Proposed 2012 Democrat Party Platform

Basil recently wrote to me:

Your post [on the Hillary-as-superhero comic book] got me to thinking. Do liberals start trolling sites like IMAO only to get distracted by satire that they think are acutally wonderful ideas? And can we use that to our advantage?

I say yes, and maybe.

Here are some things I’ve suggested in Newsish Fakery posts that liberals might think are good ideas:

* Arrest people who stop terrorist attacks for violating Muslims’ civil rights to practice their religion.

* Denounce those calling Obama a liar as being bigoted against Deception-Americans.

* Negotiate with wildfires instead of fighting them.

* Declare the Constitution “hate speech“.

* Apologize for the Declaration of Independence.

* Return the Louisiana Purchase for a refund.

* Have the US declare bankruptcy.

* Blow up Los Angeles to atone for using waterboarding-obtained information to thwart a terrorist plot to do so.

* Tea control laws to prevent right-wing activists from using tea bags in protests.

* Battery-powered “green” military vehicles.

* Cap & Trade program for political dissent.

* Banning guns that are too pretty.

* Not-for-profit banking.

* Bailouts for the Obama merchandise industry.

Now for the tough part: now that we have a fun list of stupid ideas for liberals to embrace, what can we do with it that will be most advantageous to us?

My first thought is put it on DNC letterhead, title it “Proposed 2012 Democrat Party Platform” and send it to Debbie Wasserman Shultz, who’ll think it’s real (I mean, honestly, she’s… just not very bright). Then the platform gets adopted, Obama runs on it, and BOOM! – GOP landslide.

My second thought is to ask you guys how YOU think we could use this to our advantage.

So… let’s hear it, folks…


  1. I saw a pink hammer at the hardware store today! Imagine if they start making pink axes and pink ice picks! Women will be buying them in droves and mayhem and murder will break out all over the land. Ban pink hammers now before this get’s totally out of control!!!

  2. Is it just me, or did anyone else click on the link because you weren’t sure if it was linked to satire or a real liberal site? Honestly, some of these sound like things fringe liberals would actually suggest.

  3. What Karen said. I think these need to find their way to Democrat Underground, Daily Koz and HuffPo so we can sit back and watch the soft-headed lefties pick these up and run with them, like they do all the democratic party marching orders.

  4. Make your list the opposite of what you have (e.g. fight wildfires instead of negotiating with them, mandate that guns must look pretty, etc.), sign it “Sarah Palin” and leak it to the media. They’ll go nuts.

  5. Since those are only slight exaggerations, add one more they can not resist openly and slobberingly embracing, like the Freedom Ain’t Free Tax. The carnage that results from lefties rushing to claim authorship should buy us another election or two.

  6. Only thing that comes to mind: Sell the “Blow Up Los Angeles” idea to Hollywood as a movie plot, ’cause we don’t have a Fail Safe remake for the War on Kinetic Military Action vs. Terror. Who knows: Might take the suits a while to realize they’ve accidentally made an anti-Obama movie just ahead of the 2012 election. (BTW, link in article for Blow Up Los Angeles goes to the article about the US declaring bankruptcy; I think you might have meant this one.)

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