Proof Obama Is a Muslim!

I happened to be at an Obama campaign stop the other day, and Obama asked me, “Could you please tell me in what directions Mecca is?” I pointed it out for him, and then HE STARTED PRAYING TOWARDS IT. I would have thought it was an isolated incidence, but then HE DID IT FOUR MORE TIMES.

BTW, he’s actually very nice in person.


  1. He uses a muslim buutte pluuggae ( he prefers it referred to in “in French” ) to prevent accidents when you bends over to prey on you. He’s going to prey on us. He’s going to prey all over us like R Kelly. And when he’s done if we complain he’s going to send his brown shirts. You don’t want to know how they were stained brown.

  2. Yeah. Do we use great circle bearings to find Mecca or is a rumb line course ok? Or do we just drop and bend over since it’s the thought that counts? And how long do we stay down? I slam Islama lama lama ala lama lam ala lam lam.

  3. Ok Muslims (as if there are any on this site), the Earth is a virtual sphere right? So no matter which way you bow, you’ll be facing Mecca!?! Or do you have to face it by the most expeditious route?

  4. OH, and call me gullible, but did this really happen? HA!

    Yes, if FrankJ (or anyone for that matter) told me that they saw Obama shoot a child in the face I would believe it. I would be tempted to question it just on the basis of a democrat/communist/anti-american with a gun, but they only want to disarm us, not them.

  5. Okay, where to start… Barack Obama is not Muslim, he is and always has been a Christian. I repeat, Obama is not a Muslim. I don’t know how many times it has to be said, but it is just simply a fact. Try reading the news paper or tuning into one of the tv news channels instead of getting your news from some email sent out by racists. Even Fox News agrees that Obama is and has always been a Christian. it’s not just the liberal left wing media saying this. As for the claim that someone witnessed Barack Obama prey towards Mecca is a ridiculous fabrication. Not to mention racist one. What would be wrong if a presidential candidate were of the Muslim faith? (which again, Obama is not) There are Muslims who are Americans and love their country. There are American Muslims who have given their lives during war, defending our god given freedoms in America, over seas in Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Korea, Germany, Japan…

  6. OH! Yeah, you’re right. Obama’s not a Muslims because he says he’s not. Oh, and don’t forget to add that he went to a “Christian” church for 20 years. Forget that the pastor of that church is a former Mulsim who hangs out with (and gives awards to) Louis Farrakan (a radical Muslim, but I repeat myself). But “even” Fox news agrees he’s not! See unlike you mindless sheep, we conservatives don’t just get our marching orders from the media. If it walks like a Muslim, talks like a Muslim, agrees with Muslim terrorists, gets security from Muslim terrorists (Al Asq Maryters brigade), has a Muslim name, had a Muslim father, went to a Muslim school, was enrolled in a Catholic school as a Muslim, had a Muslim step father, can recite Islam’s primary statement of faith in the original Arabic fluently, then I don’t think it’s a stretch to say we have some evidence to suggest he’s not being truthful.

    On a second note, and for the record, saying that he’s a Muslim is not racism. Trying to say that he’s not fit to be President because he’s a Muslim would be religious intolerance, that is except we are at war against Muslim extremists. So it’s nothing but prudence. Just like it would not have been racism to raise questions about a Veitnamese candidate during the Vietnam war, a Korean candidate during the Korean war, a Japanese candidate during WWII, a Southern born candidate during the Civil War, etc, etc.

    Also, you obviously don’t read this site and were probably just sent as a troll. You said, “ridiculous fabrication”. Moron. Of course it’s a ridiculous fabrication, pay more attention.

    If you care to actually learn something you can start here:

  7. OH! Obama’s not a Muslim because he said so! Oh, and that’s right he’s been going to a “Christian” church for 20 years. Don’t mind that said church was pastored by a former Muslim who preaches ideals in common with the Nation of Islam and has given Nation of Islam leader and radical Muslim (but I repeat myself) Louis Farrakan the church’s highest award. Listen, when someone walks like a Muslim, uses talking points like a Muslim, has a Muslim name, spent time in a Muslim school, was enrolled in a Catholic school as a Muslim, had a father who was a Muslim, had a step father who was a Muslim, is backed by every Muslim nation and Muslim terrorist (ex: Hamas), is provided with Muslim terrorist protection while abroad (Al Asq Martyr’s brigade), and can recite Islam’s primary confession of faith in its original Arabic, you’ll forgive us if we question his “Christianity”.
    Oh, and even Fox news agrees! Well that changes….nothing. You see unlike you Liberals, we don’t just blindly follow the spoon fed infoganda that we see or hear, even if it does come from a reasonably credibles source. If something doesn’t fit, we are going to continue to ask the questions. If you would like you could look into it yourself. I suggest starting here:
    There are two more articles on that same site.
    Additionally, accusing someone of being unqualified for office because of their religion is not racism. It would be religious intolerance. However, in this case it is not any kind of discrimination, but instead due diligence as we are at war with Muslim extremists who believe many of the same things as Obama. Just listen to each of their talking points. It is therefore no more a case of discrimination than it would have been to ask such questions if a Vietnamese person was running for President during the Vietnam war, a Korean during the Korean War, a Japanese during WWII, or a Southerner during the Civil War. It doesn’t automatically disqualify them, but there are questions that must be answered. An example would be: does his family have ties with North Vietnam Or in Obama’s case: does he have contacts with any terrorists. Answer: yes.
    Finally, you are obviously a troll who was sent here and has never actually paid attention to this site. You said, “As for the claim that someone witnessed Barack Obama prey towards Mecca is a ridiculous fabrication.” Of course it is! Moron.

  8. OH! Obama’s not a Muslim because he said so! Oh, and that’s right he’s been going to a “Christian” church for 20 years. Don’t mind that said church was pastored by a former Muslim who preaches ideals in common with the Nation of Islam and has given Nation of Islam leader and radical Muslim (but I repeat myself) Louis Farrakan the church’s highest award. Listen, when someone walks like a Muslim, uses talking points like a Muslim, has a Muslim name, spent time in a Muslim school, was enrolled in a Catholic school as a Muslim, had a father who was a Muslim, had a step father who was a Muslim, is backed by every Muslim nation and Muslim terrorist (ex: Hamas), is provided with Muslim terrorist protection while abroad (Al Asq Martyr’s brigade), and can recite Islam’s primary confession of faith in its original Arabic, you’ll forgive us if we question his “Christianity”.

  9. Oh, and even Fox news agrees! Well that changes….nothing. You see unlike you Liberals, we don’t just blindly follow the spoon fed infoganda that we see or hear, even if it does come from a reasonably credibles source. If something doesn’t fit, we are going to continue to ask the questions. If you would like you could look into it yourself. I suggest starting here:
    There are two more companion articles on that same site.

  10. Additionally, accusing someone of being unqualified for office because of their religion is not racism. It would be religious intolerance. However, in this case it is not any kind of discrimination, but instead due diligence as we are at war with Muslim extremists who believe many of the same things as Obama. Just listen to each of their talking points. It is therefore no more a case of discrimination than it would have been to ask such questions if a Vietnamese person was running for President during the Vietnam war, a Korean during the Korean War, a Japanese during WWII, or a Southerner during the Civil War. It doesn’t automatically disqualify them, but there are questions that must be answered. An example would be: does his family have ties with North Vietnam Or in Obama’s case: does he have contacts with any terrorists. Answer: yes.
    Finally, you are obviously a troll who was sent here and has never actually paid attention to this site. You said, “As for the claim that someone witnessed Barack Obama prey towards Mecca is a ridiculous fabrication.” Of course it is! Moron.

  11. Imperial Dave: Astoundingly enough, reason-troll accidentally addressed the truth with a simple stroke of the keyboard (changing an “a” to an “e”):

    “As for the claim that someone witnessed Barack Obama PREY towards Mecca… ”

    IMAO, The O sure does alot of PREYing, pandering, bowing, and bending toward his middle eastern terroristic brethren… and in light of Biden’s recent threat of an international crisis within six months of The O’s taking office, your words will be also be marked as prophetic. (Stupid computer or not, lol.)

  12. Funny, you call me the moron. .. let me start by saying that I am not a liberal, A am a proud conservative. I believe in the conservative doctrine of small government and the social beliefs and personal freedoms it stands for. Dave, it is racist to disqualify someone from being the president solely on their religious beliefs, no matter who we are at war with. You dismiss your racist rampage as racial intolerance. Either you’re a comedian or just not the sharpest tool in the shed. Intolerance of a race, Dave, is racism… come on!!! (never mind the fact that Obama is not Muslim, which no intelligent insightful person would suggest that he is. Even John McCain admits that Obama is and always has been a Christian. And if you’re not going to listen to McCain, then I don’t know about you…) Any ways, we are not at war with Muslims, we are at war with extremely radical Muslim extremists/terrorists who sand for everything anti American. During WWII we were at war with Christian extremists: the Nazis. I hope you’re not suggesting that it would be okay to be prejudice towards Christians then… and Dave, if you don’t get your news from the media, then where, I might ask, do you get your news from. Those lying, racist emails we have all received claiming these things which are completely unfounded.

  13. Also, let me again emphasize that Muslim does not equal terrorists. If you see a person of Muslim faith walking down the street in America, you don’t take shelter assuming that they are going to blow them self along with you to little pieces. I hope you’re not all so ignorant and hateful. This is America!!! We believe in, no, we demand tolerance and equality of all citizens of this fine country no matter their race, creed, or religion. This is what the Constitution stands for! I mean, we don’t associate all Christians with the radical, extremist, terrorist Christian group the KKK, right?! Let’s use our brains people instead of resorting to hatred and bigotry. But again, Obama is not a Muslim and he does not have ties with Muslim terrorists, I absolutely cannot believe this has to be repeated. If he were Muslim, we’re supposed to believe that he has been “pretending” to be a Christian nearly all of his life? What?!?!?!? As if he knew he was going to be running for president while the country was at war with Muslim extremists some 40 years later. Come one people, this makes not a lick of sense!! Everyone sees what is happening here. The extreme right is first trying to falsely label Obama as a Muslim. Then they say he pals around with terrorists. They want people to believe that Obama is an Islamic radical terrorist. And you people believe this… holy shit!! You fox news watching, readers (which is even more bias with a more obvious agenda than Fox news) Obama is a former Harvard law professor for goodness sake. He’s not a terrorist.

  14. It’s staggering how stupid some people are. Those of you determined to believe that Obama is a Muslim in spite of all evidence to the contrary, are the same dumb asses that voted for Bush …TWICE!! Like, you didn’t get it after the first four years??? Now you’ve latched onto Obama-Muslim connection and won’t let go. Kind of like a brain damaged dog hanging onto an old sock. Circle one, if you actually believe Obama is a Muslim. 1. Dumb 2. Dumber 3. Dumbest. Of course, you’ll have to take your thumb out of your mouth and borrow a pencil from someone, providing you actually have a friend who owns a pencil.

  15. Just re-read “Imperial Dave’s” Posts. Wondering if you have a driver license, and if so, how do you manage to drive a car with your head so far up your ass. You must be awash in traffic tickets by now. “Driving while stupid.” “Driving with brain off.” “Driving with head up ass.” “Driving while muttering senseless drivel.” Jeez, dude, get some help! Oh, and if you reply to this, it means your a Muslim.

  16. Yay! The trolls are back! We must be winning!

    Where to begin? The Nazi were Not Christian extremists. They were Pagan extremists. The swaztika and that lightning bolt SS symbol? Both taken from ancient pagan (norse) runes!
    And that whole Aryan superman thing? Thank Darwin for that, not Jesus!

    Definition of Racism: “(ra siz um)n. A thought or belief that one race is better than another race. -ist n.”
    Nope! nothing about religion there!
    Cat Stevens is as Anglo-Saxon as an englishman can get but he’s also a convert to Islam. Are all englishman muslim? (not yet).

    ImperialDave: You have my sympathy, man! You were really on a rip but the effectiveness of your post was diluted by that unfortuneate glitch. I’ve learned to hit refresh or just move on and come back later when my comments don’t post right away.

    Finally, I wouldn’t mind if any candidate was Muslim, Catholic, Mormon, Evangelical, Baptist, Methodist, Jewish, Hindu, Buddist, Taoist, Shintoist etc. It’s Socialism that I reject.
    Oh, and Scientology – what a crock That is! And Harvard law professors…

  17. I waited and waited! Finally, like a gift from Allah, the trolls appear! But seriously…

    Reason, I suppose we should go ahead and get this out of the way. I am a lifelong small-government, isolationist, let-the-poor-starve, keep-women-barefoot-and-pregnant, blow-up-all-the-brown-people, free market capitalist and conservative Republican (just like you!!!). That’s why I proudly supported the heroic efforts of Presidents Kennedy and Johnson (Glorious Republicans, right?) to prolong the Vietnam War and to ritualistically hobble our vastly superior military to keep it fun for everyone involved for as long as possible. But like you, I have come to feel abandoned by the Republicans, much like you. I, too, am horrified about the lack of common sense and – dare I say it? – REASON on this site. I usually cry in despair, then vomit in my mouth a little, then go to bed.

    Now, someone who stands for everything you and I believe in, “reason” is available for our proud votes. He’s an attractive, well-spoken, intelligent, “transformational”, high-taxing, high-spending Democratic Socialist who hangs out with good solid people like notorious America-hating anarchist and self-described Marxist Bill Ayers, white-hating race-baiting anti-American former Muslim and black supremacist Jeremiah Wright, and promises to disenfranchise successful Americans in order to give their hard-earned money to his pals, unilaterally disarm our military and our national weapons stockpile, and strip us of our God-given Constitutionally-protected right to keep and bear weapons to defend ourselves and our families in our homes. He gave $800,000 worth of money to those worthy people at ACORN, where he worked as a trainer for their intimidation tactics against local banks that contributed significantly to our current mortgage meltdown, then opposed those lousy Republicans when they tried to put the brakes on the train leading to financial ruin. I mean, what could be more “us”, reason? And what could be more genuinely American? Oh, but he is not a muslim. He says. Glad to finally find that there is somebody with such a good grasp on things on this ridiculous site. Keep the wisdom coming, reason. It is welcome here, cuz’ you’re a good old Republican. Anything you say here is going to be well-received.

  18. “I am not a liberal, A am a proud conservative”

    Hehe, nice try. I don’t know where you guys all get this troll training from.

    “it is racist to disqualify someone from being the president solely on their religious beliefs, no matter who we are at war with”

    Nice grasp of my comment, except that wasn’t my point. Once again I say, moron. Refer to 225 of 7’s post. For the record I could not care less about what race a candidate is, and I never mentioned anything about his race. Additionally, every question about Osamabama’s past, beliefs, policies, etc does not equate to racism unless YOU attribute his terrorist backing, communist, America hating to his entire race and then, my friend, YOU would be the racist.

    “never mind the fact that Obama is not Muslim, which no intelligent insightful person would suggest that he is”

    Proof anyone? I provided support for my position.

    “Even John McCain admits that Obama is and always has been a Christian. And if you’re not going to listen to McCain, then I don’t know about you”

    More proof you are no Conservative. OH! McCain even says it! If you were a Conservative you’d realize that McCain isn’t. All of us are supporting McCain as a vote against Obamessiah because of how terrible he is. And once again, we Conservatives don’t just BLINDLY follow our politicians, media, whatever.

    “we are not at war with Muslims, we are at war with extremely radical Muslim extremists/terrorists who sand for everything anti American”

    Good try, we are at war with extremely radical Muslim extremists/terrorists, i.e., Muslims. You know, like the ones who danced in the streets of every Arab city in every Arab Nation around the world on September 11. Oh, and I remember all the condemnation of those acts immediately afterward by every Muslim cleric and Ayatollah…oh, wait, they didn’t, and still haven’t by the way. It is not a small number of Muslims who have twisted the religion. Islam has been a violent religion since Mohammad slaughtered everyone in Mecca. It was a violent Religion when they started the Crusades (granted the “Christians” pursued them back to the holy land, but they were being invaded). It was a violent Religion when Columbus voyaged to find a new route to India so as to not be slaughtered by the Muslim marauders. The fact is that the so called “peaceful” Muslims often support the acts of Terrorists even though they themselves would “never” personally perform acts. You can check out the polls of British born Muslims who support terrorism. Furthermore, the Muslims that don’t support them and actually speak out against the terrorists are the most liberal interpretors of Islam.

    “Christian extremists: the Nazis”

    This is another nice fallacy you trolls like to use. Once again refer to 225 of 7. This is akin to the argument that Sept. 11 was no different than that “Christian” Timothy McVeigh. Unfortunately McVeigh, and his Neo-Nazi group, had more ties to Islamic terrorism than Christianity, just like original Nazism. For more on this check out:

    “Those lying, racist emails”

    That’s the second time that you’ve accused me of getting my info from these emails, and the second time you are radically wrong, which I’m sure you are used to by now. I get news from many different sources. I watch/listen to all the major news networks, read prolifically, and investigate far more than probably most (all) people you know. I’ll give you an example. When B. Hussein Obama said that the average household income went down under bush and went up under Clinton, I threw the Bull$&*# flag and looked myself. Where did I turn you ask. Did I check the MSNBC site or maybe even Fox’s? No, I went to the Federal Census board numbers for the nation going back decades. First Obama meant median income, not average, and it didn’t go down under Bush. I personally fight every one of those emails that I receive because they water down the truly terrible ACTUAL things that Obama has done, stands for, believes.

    “Then they say he pals around with terrorists”

    Since Bill Ayers is an unrepentant terrorist with whom the Obamatron has served on boards and had his first campaign fundraiser, I think you could call that paling around with a terrorist. Unfortunately Bill isn’t an Islamic terrorist though, sorry.

    “You fox news watching, readers (which is even more bias with a more obvious agenda than Fox news)”

    You mean unlike the obvious agenda having MSNBC, CNN, CBS, ABC, New York Times, Huffington Post, etc, etc, etc?

    OH! and he’s from Harvard! Well that proves that he’s not a Muslim or a terrorist. Not quite my friend. It does, however, bolster his anti-American/Communist creds.

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