The Reasons Behind Obama’s Redistribution of Wealth

Why does Obama want to redistribute wealth?

Well, who does he want to take money from? Successful people with actual accomplishments, i.e., people Obama can’t relate to at all. Who does Obama want to give that money to? Rapists, murderers, and pedophiles who all tend to have lower income. I.e., he wants to give your money to degenerates, the scum of the earth, the worst people humanity has to offer, a.k.a. Obama’s close friends and associates. And what are they going to spend that money on? Drugs. Now the next murdering rapist pedophile you run into is going to be high on drugs thanks to your money, and if you shoot him with your gun you’ll get in big trouble for killing one of Obama’s best friends. He’ll put you in prison, redistribute what’s left of your wealth to more criminals, and use your family as forced labor in one of his meth labs.

If you don’t believe me, just read his tax plan.


  1. …and every time he opens his mouth, socialist nonsense and fairy tale platitudes ooze out, yet he’s up in the polls. The democrat takeover of the education system has worked very well for them…especially since no conservatives have felt the need to stand up against it.

    Isn’t it telling that the ONLY people standing up for conservative ideals are women…Palin, Coulter, Malkin, Ingraham…Republican “men” in office, in particular, are cowering under their desks so afraid that the New York Times might call them racists or hate-mongers if they dare stand up for conservative ideals…this despite the fact that 59% of Americans consider themselves to be conservatives.

  2. Frank you’re having a hard time exaggerating Obama’s politics lately, aren’t you. It’s hard to write satire about a guy that really does drink aborted baby smoothies. I feel for you man.

  3. Wow, sounds like a great plan to me. If we pay the criminals, maybe they’ll stop stealing from us. You know what? I’ll bet this kind of plan would work in foreign policy too.

    “From each according to his abilities, to each according to his…support for Obama.”

  4. Pingback: Video: Subject of Obama’s “spread the wealth” comment warns of socialism : OBAMA FLUSHES PLUMBERS AMERICAN DREAMS

  5. Relax Frank! When an angry black man (smiling or not) focuses his followers’ hatred on “rich people”, he’s really talking about “Jews”. Normal people needn’t worry, and “rich people” will never ever make us feel bad again.

  6. Ok, here’s the plan. If Obama wins, we all stop making our mortgage payments. Every lousy stinkin last one of us. That should freak out the feds.

    When the finance companies call, just say Obama promised you a free house.

  7. Oh, I’d love to stop making my mortgage payments if Obama wins. The trouble is, my mortgage isn’t FM, so while it may freak out the feds, it’s also going to bring the bailiffs around to my front door to take my keys away.

  8. Obama’s first, second, and third priority is to get elected. If that means pandering to large numbers of unemployed, under employed, those on welfare, illegal aliens, and malcontents, he’ll be happy to throw them a few crumbs as a way to get their votes. He will also turn democracy and capitalism on it’s head, and villainize the affluent and successful in our society, in order to rally the masses behind him. With evangelical zeal Obama will convince his followers to replace reason with hope and belief … to blindly follow him … never challenge him … and embrace his words as gospel. In the real, and unforgiving world of economics however, when you immediately gratify everyone by feasting on the goose that lays the golden eggs, the economy looses it’s ability to continue generating growth and wealth. Obama is promising everyone a piece of the pie, whether they helped bake it, or not … but, only in a socialistic, or communist state do the non-contributors demand to share equally in the property that belongs to others. Immediate gratification is like a drug to the malcontents, but in the big picture, every farmer knows that you never eat your seed crop. If Obama gets elected, America will turn into a third world country, with massive government welfare programs, unable to generate jobs for it’s citizens, and unable to compete in the global markets. Keep America safe, free and strong … elect McCain/Palin on November 4th.

  9. It gets worse did you hear about this from the Friday edition of the WSJ?

    Are 401(k)s safe from congressional Democrats?
    If you have a 401(k) or equivalent retirement plan, you’ve probably been watching nervously the past few weeks as your nest egg has shrunken owing to the current turmoil in the markets.
    Well, it could be worse. But don’t take heart, for what we mean is it could get worse. The market turmoil has some politicians on Capitol Hill eyeing the end of the 401(k) as we know it. Workforce Management reports on a hearing of the House Education and Labor Committee earlier this month:

    A plan by Teresa Ghilarducci, professor of economic-policy analysis at the New School for Social Research in New York, contains elements that are being considered. . . .
    Under Ghilarducci’s plan, all workers would receive a $600 annual inflation-adjusted subsidy from the U.S. government but would be required to invest 5 percent of their pay into a guaranteed retirement account administered by the Social Security Administration. The money in turn would be invested in special government bonds that would pay 3 percent a year, adjusted for inflation.
    The current system of providing tax breaks on 401(k) contributions and earnings would be eliminated.
    “I want to stop the federal subsidy of 401(k)s,” Ghilarducci said in an interview. “401(k)s can continue to exist, but they won’t have the benefit of the subsidy of the tax break.”
    Ghilarducci outlined her plan last year in a paper for the left-liberal Economic Policy Institute, in which she acknowledges that her plan would amount to a tax increase on workers making more than $75,000–considerably less than the $250,000 Barack Obama has said would be his tax-hike cutoff. In addition, workers would be able to pass on only half of their account balances to their heirs; presumably the government would seize the remaining half. (Under current law, 401(k) balances are fully heritable, although they are subject to the income tax.)

    Sounds pretty unappealing, doesn’t it? But in her congressional testimony, Ghilarducci offered a sweetener:

    Short-term I propose . . . that the Congress allow workers to swap out their 401(k) assets, perhaps at August levels, for a guaranteed retirement account–just a one-time swap. . . .
    How would this work? You go back to your districts and meet up with a 55-year-old who had had $50,000 in his account last month and now has $40,000 in the account. He can swap out that $50,000, valued in August, for that guarantee of what would become, if he retires at 62, a $500 a month addition to Social Security.
    A 55-year-old who lost 20% of his 401(k) because of the recent stock market decline was investing more aggressively than he should have, given his age. Ghilarducci proposes to reward this imprudence in exchange for dramatically limiting everyone’s ability to take risks (and enjoy the corresponding rewards) and for greatly increasing government control of Americans’ retirement funds.

    It is by no means a certainty that Congress or a President Obama would embrace such a proposal, but this is a direction in which things may move if the Democrats make big gains next month.

    Teresa was on a radio show and she said I quote this would be redistribution of wealth!!!!
    You think the Dems in Congress are getting ideas from Argentina?

    Argentina’s Property Grab
    A cautionary tale for anyone who owns a retirement account.

    Argentine President Cristina Kirchner announced this week that her government intends to nationalize the country’s private pension system. If Congress approves this property grab, $30 billion in individually held retirement accounts — think 401(k)s — managed by private pension funds will become government property.

    Cristina Kirchner

    That the state could seize retirement savings no doubt seems outrageous to Americans. But it is a predictable development in a country where government intervention in the financial system is the norm. With Washington now expanding its role as guarantor in American banking, that’s something to think about.

    Mrs. Kirchner won’t have trouble making the case for expropriation to Congress, which is controlled by her fellow Peronists. When the Argentine government ran out of money in 2001, it blamed the market and increased its own role in the economy. Since then it has imposed price controls, defaulted on its debt, seized dollar bank accounts, devalued the currency, nationalized businesses and tried to set confiscatory tax rates with the aim of making society more “fair.” Mrs. Kirchner and her predecessor (and husband) Nestór Kirchner have also preserved the Peronist tradition of big spending.

    All of this has been deemed acceptable because of the “crisis.” But it has come at a cost: Among emerging market investors Argentina is now considered one of the worst places on the planet to put your money. Now that commodity prices are cooling and the global economy is slowing, Mrs. Kirchner is facing a $10 billion shortfall in what is due on government debt by the end of 2009. Where else to turn but to the resources of the private sector? Argentina, if little else, serves as a cautionary tale on how to ruin an economy.

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