Air Force One Cover Up

The White House won’t release the Air Force One photos that were supposedly taken when Obama freaked out New York City, which is further proof of my conspiracy theory. First of all, there aren’t photos because it wasn’t a photo shoot. But if there were photos, they’d have to worry about you being able to clearly see that it’s Obama in the cockpit of the plane, completely coked out of his mind.

I’m sending a letter to the White House telling them that if they can’t keep cocaine away from Obama, at least secure the cockpit doors to Air Force One so he can’t take it over again. That’s just common sense right there.


  1. Common sense is a “no-fly zone” in the Obama administration. Look around, folks, it’s like Oz or something. Pay no attention to the coked out big ear-having, special olympics-teasing, bucket-wearing, foreign king-bowing, no Spanish-speaking, crazy-spending libtard in the captain’s seat.

  2. I am tired of these coke-snortin’ Presidents on this…

    Anyway, Obama getting coked out of his mind and taking control of Air Force One can’t be any worse than anything Bill Clinton did on that plane. *shudder*

  3. Judicial Watch is filing a Freedom of Information Act request for those photos. My guess, they won’t have any, and we’ll have Yayo-Gate, which will of course be seen as courageous and a sign that hObama is dedicated to the job. So much so that he has to be hopped up on Blow just to make it through a day.

    Either way, I’m sure the MSM will find some way to couch the result in a manner that guarantees hObama’s shaft stays firmly wedged between the MSM’s lips.

  4. It’s pretty obvious Air Force One was doing a recon of NYC, in response to a demand from Hamas, Al-Queida, and other sundry groups for both an abject apology from BO (for everything) as well as detailed air route mapping data for their next…uh…visit.

    I’m glad the White House is working hard to please everyone, and to break down all of these pesky barriers preventing the world from loving us.

  5. I’m thinkin’ they were shootin’ a new White House movie showing Obama as a suave but tough Commander In Chief, but if you’re right, Frank, he was stoned out of his mind and the footage is evidence of a crime and thus classified.

    Obama as CINC. Now there’s a very frightening and persistent visual – soon to be a nightmare coming soon to a community theater bomb shelter near you.

  6. ‘Barak and Kumar Go To White Castle’ would have been a instant hit had it not been for the Garmin GPS malfunction : “Turn right – turn left in the next 2 … -20 blocks – turn right next block – 35 blocks …. “

  7. We have mandatory drug tests for school kids, employees and zoo keepers. Why not have mandatory drug and alcohol tests for piddly things like President, Congresscriter and Senator?

  8. Pingback: New York City Air Force One Flyover Photo Released |

  9. lets forget the airforce one pictures, they released ONE, do you expect anymore? Lets concentrate on the lies that Nancy P for pinhead, is telling the people about waterboarding. She is so pathethic.

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