
Obama smokes. We know it. He’s admitted it.

WHY are there no photos of this?

Not this one. It’s a fake.

So’s this one.

I mean a REAL one.

And has anyone checked Michelle’s suspiciously-fast-growing “victory garden” for the chopped-up corpses of over-zealous paparazzi?


  1. Well the state run Media will not show it, due to the fact is not in his best intrest, we in Amerika, the unwashed can only be shown what will keep NOBAMA in the lime light, god forbid he is seen with a smoke in his mouth right next to his foot.

  2. Actually if you were watching closely after the inauguration when he hopped in the “Beast” for the first time, you could see him climb in, the door closes, and then as it starts to pull away you can see the silhouette light up through the tinted window. I just shook my head in disgust because it reminded me so much of a gangster movie.

  3. Maybe they’re minority vegetables, Plenty. Okra? Hey, it starts with “O.”

    I was gonna say something about “smoke ’em if you got ’em” – or in his case – smoke the taxpayers if you got ’em. Which he does. For awhile. Until the tax revolt. And the bankrupt cities, counties and states…

    aka, Veeshir’s “funniest end to civilization, ever.”

  4. The fact is it just goes to show how the times have changed. When FDR was prez no photos were allowed of him with his leg braces or his crutches, but plenty with him smoking. Now days leg braces and crutches would be cool but not smokes. Another thing I can’t recall ever seeing is a photo of any prez drinking a beer…..and for those of you who think that’s pot they’re growing in the victory garden, I can assure it’s oregano.

  5. Ok, not to be offensive here, I think everybody who wants to kill themselves has a perfect right to do just that. Tobacco, drugs, overeating, alcohol et al. I however do not want the leader of the most powerful nation on the face of this earth to be someone who ignores the facts and does what ever he darn well pleases because ……he can.

    If he can’t control his urges better than that, do we really want his nicotine stained twitching finger next to to the button. At least with Clinton he was too busy experiencing ecstasy (drug-free, it is said) to get his hands anywhere near the football. O’vomits got nothing else to do but play with buttons and hide cigarette butts.

    Klassy……….dang strait.

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