Zo on Cash for Clunkers

Here’s Zo talking about Cash for Clunkers:

I think Zo is best when he’s straight up ranting as he usually cuts right to the heart of the issue (though I kinda like the sketch tacked on to the end of this one).


  1. Cash 4 illeagls: for every one a company truns in they get to hire an american worker.
    Cash 4 Congress: for every one congress person traded in you save money.
    Cash 4 Commies: for every one commie you turn Obama will lose his voter base.

  2. I’m waiting for the Loot for Lemons Program, ‘cuz I’ve got a lemon for a Congressman.>>> The end of the skit reminded me of George Carlin’s ‘talk’ with Jane. George: ”Oh, that Jane! How are you Jane?” Jane:”Pregnant! And I’m going to kill myself!” George:’ Say you really ARE a ‘good sport’!”

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