Get This Man a Protocol Droid

I’m no C3PO, but I’ll bet this gesture is considered obscene in a lot of backwards countries that don’t speak English.


  1. no no that’s the booger roll. the booger flick has the finger nail pressed against the thumb. technically the booger must be rolled before it can be properly flicked. he may just be working up an appetite.

  2. “It’s a way of giving the finger without actually having to give it.” — Monica Geller, on Friends

    As much as I enjoy reading/writing the words ‘booger’ and ‘fart,’ Harvey was right. That gesture is Obie’s passive-aggressive response to the TEAbaggers.

  3. Anciently, people used mathematical hand signs to negotiate prices in the market without being overheard. The sign for 90 had the forefinger curled up tightly against the thumb, and the sign for 30 looked a lot like what Obama is doing in the picture. When people wanted to suggest that a guy was light in his loafers, so to speak, they would say “he went to the market with 90 and came back with 30.”

    That’s what that picture reminds me of. I wonder if those ancient traditions are still in use in parts of the world.

  4. It’s hard to tell from a still. He’s probably signing his name, Zero. But, he could be rasising his hand to his forehead to express an opinion, or more likely he’s lowering his hand twice rapidly in which case he’s asking for the salt.

  5. He might be getting ready to fly his new paper airplane, complete with Klingon cloaking technology…..Nah.
    If it wasn’t a joint photoshopped out of the picture, it might be a cigarette, also conveniently photoshopped out.
    Perhaps he’s imagining….Never mind Harvey’s right; and O-bah-muhh might get his hand cut off for that in Islamic countries.

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