Random Thoughts

Obama is blaming the need for him to take responsibility on Bush

Apparently, Napolitano was surprised by the fact that modern aerodynamics knowledge is used to make heavier than air vehicles fly.

When that guy was running for the quarterback, someone should have gotten in his way. Texas didn’t properly screen him

Man, a “musburger” does not sound very appetizing.

A robot should hand out the award for the national championship in honor of the computers that helped pick them.

No reason for Alabama to play BSU as computer sims say they’d easily win, though afterward they’d drown from the ice caps melting.


  1. According to the computer simulations I ran, Michigan* should win the national championship and go undefeated every year from 2007 through 2039**. Also, the Big Ten should replace Illinois with my high school, and any linebacker can play defensive end better than a defensive end.

    *these simulations take into account the fact that I play as Michigan against the computer for every game.

    **Michigan will probably keep going undefeated past 2039, but I haven’t played those seasons yet

  2. Apparently, Napolitano was surprised by the fact that modern aerodynamics knowledge is used to make heavier than air vehicles fly.

    Well I’m not surprised, as you know they don’t teach anything useful to real life in commie indoctrination schools.

  3. We had a wonderfully awful preview of how well she’d be as DHS Secretary when we failed as the Governor of AZ. hObama just gave her a chance to fail in front of a much wider audience, with more dire circumstances for the Republic.

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