Random Thoughts

When Dems are about to get slaughtered in Nov., Kos wants to spend his time taking on Kucinich for being politically unrealistic?

Between Kos and Kucinich, you have the political acumen of a sack of wet mice.

I wonder if they’d sell more leather jackets if they marketed them as a “cow with sleeves.”

I have the voted to pass health care reform but I’m not going to show them to you because I don’t like you.

How many hours have Obama gone on and on about how the time for talk is over?

What did Kirk say when he took the captain’s seat in the new Star Trek move? “The time for Spock is over!”

Something I learned today: There are rich people in Mexico. Apparently, people so rich they can make fun of our rich saying, “That’s not so rich.”


  1. Well… If the time for talk is over, then so is the time for listening. This could be a good thing.

    [Your comment got retweeted by Jayne Cobb; I hope you understand how cool that is. -Ed.]

  2. Imagine how much the world’s richest man probably can pay to have his lawn cut? How many leaf blowers can he employ? Sounds like a wonderful opportunity for anyone willing to work hard, and who needs a little cash. On my way to Mexico!

  3. “How many hours have Obama gone on and on about how the time for talk is over?”

    I’m beginning to realize that there will never be a time when Barack Hussein Obama stops talking.

  4. my R.T. for the day.
    America doesn’t need a larger or more powerful military. America needs a foreign policy that isn’t based on babysitting and subsidizing our allies while their welfare states cannibalize their most basic institutions self defense.

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