80% of the Country Has a Problem with the President Being Black

A new poll shows that nearly 80% of the country has little faith in the federal government, and nearly half says the government negatively affects their lives.

Why would this be? I can give you one answer: the head of federal government is black.

It’s the only explanation that makes sense. Right now the federals government is doing everything it can to help the economy and is about to give everyone free health care, thus logically everyone should love the government right now. Except, the president it black, so people are turning against it.

But a little over a year ago, the country elected a black president, so it wasn’t racist then. So what’s changed? Again, the change is that Barack Obama is president.

Conclusion: Barack Obama is spreading racist hate!



  1. Im pretty sure your stat is a little “off”. I think its the name of the president that is turning people off.. Now…change the Name to President (formerly Lt. Col) West….. and ah’m purt near shure dat de stat would change in one of dem der significant manners.

  2. * Omar Hassan was handed over to the terrorists by agents within the Federal government. It can be said that Barack Obama handed Omar Hassan over to be murdered.

    Conclusion: Barack Obama hates Muslims!

  3. I know black people who are not nearly as clean and articulate as Obama and I like them just fine. Well at least they aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty and I tend to believe what they say so maybe his grammar and fresh laundry are to blame.

  4. All these years I thought I was opposing exploding government because I saw obvious lessons throughout history. Turns out I was just a closet racist. I am thirsty… Am I thirsty because I am a racist or am I a racist because I am thirsty? I should watch the all white all the time MSKKKNBC so they can grade my thirst related racism.

  5. All these years I thought I was opposing exploding government because reading history the lessons are so blatant its like being hit on the head by a 2×4 from “Hacksaw Jim Duggan”. Turns out I was just a closet racist even I didn’t know. I am thirsty… Am I thirsty because I am a racist or am I a racist because I am thirsty? I should watch the all white all the time MSKKKNBC so they can grade my thirst related racism.

  6. ….So it turns out I’m just a racist low life…what a bummer. Here all this time I thought I hated the government for taxing me beyond all reality and spending most of the money they took from me on crap.

  7. They only hate Palin because they are sexist so it figures they would think we must be racist.

    I recall pre-election when Ramesh Ponnoru said the left seemed to be saying elect Obama or we get to spend the next 4 years calling everyone racist. He thought that sounded like a good trade. Ha little did he know they were going to call us all Racist either way. Like arguing with a hysterical women.

    When Obama first came into office he had a crazy low 20% disapproval rating for his first month. Much lower then any other new president in history. The opposite party tends to oppose even new presidents. So lets say even if everyone one of those 20% opposing him did so out of Race hate which is ridiculous then at maximum 20% of America is racist. Unless you work from the premise that racists who hated his race but just couldn’t help telling the pollster how much they liked him and what a good job he was doing.

    I think evidence shows about 5% of the population is seriously racist. However 30% of the population (liberals) think the other 50% is. Liberals neeeeeed to believe we are all racist otherwise its means Obama is just running the country into the ground and they have been mocking hard working humble followers of Christ for the last 30 years.

  8. all of you people are racist morons who don’t know how the gov really works! you want the American gov to fail by lowering taxes, hmm seems like you guys really hate America? what’s wrong with a gov that cares and works for the people? you want a gov that ignores the people and instead does what companies say because that would be the only way that the gov can keep afloat? you really want the gov to have to turn its back on the people? more people are finding out that socialism works and capitalism leads only to failure, look at Somalia, they are capitalist and they had to resort to pirating! i know by now this comment will be removed because all of you guys are bias and don’t like it when you are proven wrong. i ask you this, how is socialism bad if Sweden is doing so good? 68% of America would be what you call “liberal”, 20% are independent and 12% are conservatives. of the 12%, 80-90% are racist and 90-96% are completely mentally challenge when it comes to politics. 100% of people who think killing Muslims and Cops should be put in a jail for life! the founding fathers wanted a country that the people were in power, they wanted Socialism!

  9. @Socialist All the people who disagree with you are racist and/or retarded? I think you left off the ones like us who are funded by a billionaire investors… Oh wait that is Soros and all of the far-left sites. I think this site is is funded by an engineer with I am presuming a mortgage.

    Socialism actually puts a ruling elite in charge of the people who are forcibly dependent on them. You may be Mis-understanding either how Socialism works or anything about the founding fathers. Perhaps you should read up on your history of how the “peasants” actually fared under all the other systems that attempted socialism. You strike me as someone who wants good things for people in need. But, you also strike me as someone who has been immersed in an enormous amount of one sided and distorted information by those seeking to rile you up against others to enlist you in their cause of assuming power.

  10. Ummmm…it’s safe to say that anyone who uses Somalia as an example of “capitalism” isn’t getting accepted to Harvard any time soon so I seriously doubt that moron gets his ideas from any college professor. IF he’s actually in some form of college, God help us all. Just in case you’re reading this, assuming you know what a map is, go see if you can find Sweden and look at the size of it and then look at the United States, notice a little difference? (Swedens Area is 449 964 km². As a comparison: slightly larger than California.) We have more people leaching off the government just in California than they do people in their entire country. If they’re “doing good” why is their unemployment rate almost 10%? In other words, you have no f’ing clue what you’re talking about.

    PS: Like 90% of the people there are WHITE, so I guess you’re using a “racist” country as an example of “doing good”.

  11. #16 – Shiggz,
    Luke 6:22
    “Blessed are you when men hate you, and when they exclude you and revile you, and cast out your name as evil, on account of the Son of man!”

    (Yep, almost from day one, as a matter of fact. But, no worries!)

    Luke 6:23
    “Rejoice in that day, and leap for joy, for behold, your reward is great in heaven; for so their fathers did to the prophets.”

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