“Liberal” Defined

Someone who’s still angry about slavery 145 years after it ended, but wants you to “get over 9/11”.


  1. One of the more profound comments I’ve recently; “So, you going to tell me that demanding that everyone has proof of health insurance on them is constitutional, but expecting proof of citizenship is not?” Sorry I don’t have the authors’ name, but I find this about as libtard-minded as can be..
    (yours is a keeper, too, Harvey.

  2. I use the exact same set of standards. I’m not upset about slavery anymore because all the slave owners are long dead. Once I can say the same about jihadists, that same will apply to 9/11.

  3. Speaking of terrorism and liberal tactics… An old quote from Margaret Thatcher. (imagine if Bush could have made a persuasive argument)

    “There is no excuse for the IRA’s reign of terror. If their violence were, as the misleading phrase often has it, ‘mindless,’ it would be easier to grasp as the manifestation of a disordered psyche. But that is not what terrorism is, however many psychopaths may be attracted to it. Terrorism is the calculated use of violence—and the threat of it—to achieve political ends.”

  4. Not to forget some other classics from before on this site.

    -Will Protest any war or conflict unless a democrat started it.

    -Ignores racial aggression and violence at illegals marches. Makes up ugly viscous stories about peaceful tea parties.

    -Willing to compromise with Islamic Terrorists but not Christian Conservatives.

    -Is always using their last destruction to justify their next one.

    -For drilling holes in babies heads but against drilling holes in the earth.

  5. Harvey, I don’t think the far left is angry about slavery in the sense that it was a moral wrong. To the liberals it’s a civil rights issue that rests on “social constructs”. They’re perpetually angry at whoever is in the way of their latest social construct frontier. Interestingly, the left doesn’t like the principles of the Declaration of Independence today, and the (pro-slavery) Democrats 145 years ago didn’t like them either. John Calhoun attacked the Declaration in the lead-up to the Civil War. Democrats today attack any judicial nominee that defends the principles of the Declaration (natural rights).

  6. Not only are they against executing criminals, the worst of them (lawyers) will fight to not only ‘save’ them but get them out of prison regardless (especially) if they’re 100% guilty.
    Liberals fight for “rights” that aren’t in the constitution and against ones that are.
    They like having the freedom of speech to say that you shouldn’t be allowed to say anything they don’t like.
    Their favorite words are ‘fair’ and ‘equal’ until you say it’s unfair and far from equal when some people are expected to work for a living and others aren’t and crimes against some people are ‘worse’ than the same crime against another.
    Liberalism IS a mental disorder! (and if you tell them they can get more in their SSI checks, they’d probably agree)

  7. A liberal is someone who wants their groups to be inclusive, diverse and multicultural as long as everyone comes from a shared middle class background.

    (Note: Liberals cannot be around people of lower socio-economic status because it makes them feel guilty.)

  8. Hathchie1,I said that here last week.

    A liberal is one who seeks to top plunder and control, legal or otherwise, all about it for it’s support. all the gobbldygook about socail justice, rights, equlity, and whatnot are merely planks to build the stairway of that goal.

  9. Liberalism means that thousands of people go hungery to save a stupid fish. Liberalism means to tax the rich untill they can’t aford to higher more workers which then the money is given to lazy unmotivated people, corrupt politions, and save the earth worm programs and if we ask where our money goes we are called racist. Liberalism means that thinking for your self is raticalism, and that you are not smart enough to make your own chioces. People like Michal Savage Glenn Beck Sean Hannity and Rush Limba are stupid ignoant hate/fear mongoliors but Che Guevava is a heroic icon? Dose any of this make a lick of sense? And we are the brained washed idots!

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