More Democrat Party Slogans

In making the Top 10 Democrat Slogans T-Shirt, there were a lot of slogans that didn’t make the shirt. Here’s some more I cam up with:


* We don’t need to read a bill, we just need to know whether it makes the government bigger.

* Iran can have nukes, but you can’t have salt.

* Shape up voters, or we’ll get a cheap replacement for you from Mexico.

* The Commerce Clause says we don’t have to follow the Constitution.


* You work so hard for your money; you really should try and enjoy watching us spend it.

* We only consider it wasteful spending when you’re doing the spending.

* You still have your freedoms; we just get to tell you how to use them.

* We won’t care about terrorists until they threaten to vote against us.

* The magical combination of incompetence plus arrogance.

* We won’t rest until the government wastes every dollar you earn.

* The optimal tax rate is however much we can get away with.

* We’ll take the power and the money, you do the work.

* Fighting debt by increasing spending; fighting fascism by increasing government.

* Hating you for your freedom.

* What you’d expect from people whose best and brightest are Pelosi and Harry Reid.

* Running for office here because we’re too lazy to move to Europe.

* In a just world, we’d be living in a cardboard box instead of making laws.

* If it can’t be solved by a giant new government program, too bad – that’s all we’re proposing.

* Why be for freedom when you can be for Freesmart™?

* We like the Constitution: Vintage toilet paper!

* We don’t like America and we won’t rest until you don’t like it either.

* Don’t worry; you’ll like the new freedoms we made up even better.

* If the government does a single competent thing, we’ve failed.

* For freedom unless it means we can’t control you and have your money.

* Aggressively useless.

* Don’t really like freedom or apple pie (trans-fats).

* The Founding Fathers shot British people for less than what we’re doing.

* If the Constitution is against what we’re doing, it must be racist.

* So the Constitution is like an actual thing? You sure?

* Just because you pay taxes, you think you have a right to give us your opinion?

* Don’t like us arrogantly dismissing you? How about we just call you racist.

* We’re really smart; the New York Times told us so.

* Having a slogan would be admitting we need to explain ourselves to you.

* Government like the Founders envisioned: Dimwitted, entitled lawyers spending all your money.


  1. * “Allison Taylor in ’16!”
    * “Guns are loud and scary!”
    * “Freedom is loud and scary!”
    * “Go die in a fire, you stupid violent teabaggers!”
    * “We’re in cahoots with the Moon, just like Frank J.!”

  2. Clearly, this is a transparent attempt to:
    – Set us up for “More Top 10 Democrat Party Slogans” t-shirts.
    – Make us forget the original “Top 10 Democrat Party Slogans” t-shirts won’t ship until mid May. Grrrr.
    – Deflect scrutiny from Frank and The Moon’s nefarious plot to deny us Nuke the Moon and Fred Thompson Punch The Hippies shirts. Double Grrrr.

  3. Wow, that’s a long , albeit fine list, Frank. I s’pose whatever I put here is prolly already up above.

    – You work hard, so we don’t have to.
    – Ruining America, one law at a time.
    – Nary a good idea since the 1790’s.
    – “Democrat Zombies in Washington in 3D:” Count Floyd says, “Bery, scary, kids!”
    – The Democratic Party: The original freedom fighters.
    – We hate you; therefore, your speech is hate speech.
    – Constitution!? We don’t need to show you no stinkin’ constitution!

  4. * It beats working for a living.
    * Dumbing down…not a bug, it’s a feature!
    * If we’re for it, it’s Righteous Anger! Otherwise it’s right-wing racist homophobia.
    * Look! Something shiny!

  5. We want all your money..Mao !!!

    Why make an illegal carry an ID card when we can make you carry an insurance card?

    Democrats… The Party of Goodness and Light. Just ask any Kennedy, Frank, Clinton, Massa…

    Relieving you of your retirement one tax at a time.

    We’re scared of Fred Thompson

  6. Here is your T-Shirt right here:

    -* Iran can have nukes, but you can’t have salt.
    -* Shape up voters, or we’ll get a cheap replacement for you from Mexico.
    -* We won’t care about terrorists until they threaten to vote against us.
    -* Fighting debt by increasing spending; fighting fascism by increasing government.
    -* We’ll take the power and the money, you do the work.
    -* If it can’t be solved by a giant new government program…then forget it
    -* For freedom unless it means we can’t control you and have your money.
    -* The Founding Fathers shot British people for less than what we’re doing.
    -* If the Constitution is against what we’re doing, it must be racist.
    -* Just because you pay taxes, you think you have a right to object?
    -* Don’t like us arrogantly dismissing you? Just calling you “Racist” is faster anyhow?
    -* We’re really smart; the New York Times told us so.

    Maybe it was just me, I was a little Meh on the other T-shirt. But then all time I am rolling my eyes when other people laugh at stuff on TV. And I am laughing when they feel confused.

  7. Organizing for disorganization since day one. Which means day eight to you.

    Uniting communities for community conflict. Nobody pits a vs b better.

    STFU you angry white bigot or we’ll teabag you, grandma.

  8. Pingback: House of Eratosthenes

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  10. Matthew 19:23-24 23 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Truly I tell you, it is hard for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven.24 Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” So why are we voting to starve the poor to put our money in a rich mans pocket? The Tea Party / Republics say we need to make cut!!! but only on the poor. The rich are getting richer and the poor can live in tens and eat what YOU will give them; and that is NOTHING if you vote Republican. “FOX FAKE NEWS is the Devils T.V. channel” Don’t watch any of it !!! Who are you voting for ??? It isn’t what the Lord wants!

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