Rogue State

Arizona doesn’t care who they piss off. First they decided to actually enforce federal law which made like everyone angry. Then they got rid of that separatist, multicultural crap from their schools. And now they’re turning lions into burgers. While everyone else is like, “Oh, what majestic creatures!” Arizona is like, “Food!”

Arizona is just a rogue state that doesn’t play by the rules — the way America is supposed to be. I heard federal officials went down there to yell at them, but they forgot their ID so Arizona deported them to Mexico. I wish we had more states like that.


  1. Everyone knows that meat = awesome! So shouldn’t meat that was raised on a strict diet of meat be that much more awesome? Meat + Meat = Awesome(2) Sweet…

    Anyway, I figured that since the illegals coming through our southern border like to make trouble for the traditionally cattle ranchers, maybe they should try switching up their livestock to a carniverous sort. If nothing else, it might give them another reason to build fences along the border. Win/win for use, I say! Tasty, tasty lions…

  2. Can’t we be wise about this? Why not take an animal as majestic as the lion and re-introduce it to North America? It went extinct here long ago and we could have ranchers along the border keep them out on the free range. That could increase tourism to AZ and reduce the number of illegals getting in, AND it’s faster than building a fence! Just sayin’…..

  3. BEER! just seems to go good with any food. Or just by itself, too. BEER! doesn’t need anything else other than a nice frosted mug. Mmmmm, a frosted mug full of ice cold BEER! My idea of heaven on Earth. At not that “stuff” in can either. Whoever thought up the idea of putting BEER! in can should be flogged daily.

  4. but they forgot their ID so Arizona deported them to Mexico.

    That is awesome. simply awesome.

    JAGernaut…I like that idea. Definate win/win. Gives Road Runner /Coyote a whole new meaning. Beep beep…senior ROWR !!! Chomp chomp !! It would take manly cowboys.

  5. So, let me get this straight. If an overwhelming majority of Americans support everything they do, yet a handful of newscasters and democrat politicians don’t, it’s a controversy and there’s considered to be a “backlash”? Umm…okay.

  6. Liberals boycotted Arizona Tea until they found out the company was owned by liberals, based out of New York. (I thought that was funny.) They had no connection to the State of Arizona at all (except for using their name to make money).

  7. I visited AZ 7 years ago. It was July, it was HOT, it was filthy, it was crawling with illegals then………I can’t imagine what it is like now. If they keep up, standing up though, I may decide to give it another try. Especially if the state that I live in continues it’s downward spiral. I hear the mountains are beautiful in the north west.

    Oh and Lion probably tastes just like chicken (doesn’t everything). I wouldn’t mind taking a big bite out of something that would take a big bite out of me if it had a chance. Shark too.

  8. @seanmahir: I had whale once while I was in Iceland, and it didn’t taste at all like chicken. In fact, it tasted somewhat like tasty super lean tender beef. Num, num, num. I enjoy telling liberals that I’ve eaten whale; it puts them — at least for a short time — at a complete loss for words.

  9. Proud Infidel –

    I’ll drink to that. Beer does go very well with almost any food (it doesn’t go very well with foods that don’t taste good, like quiche).
    And, as you note, it’s wonderful by itself. I bought some more today. I’ll be drinking some after my guitar practice for the day (pity poor
    Fernando Sor).

  10. Again…I can’t quite put my finger on it but like monkeys riding dogs herding goats, I feel there is something kinda of sick about both serving and eating lion burgers. On the other hand I fully agree with Ben Franklin who once said….”Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.”

  11. Arizona was featured in a Marty Robbins song about a stranger who hunted the infamous bandit Texas Red – a man who had a notch on his pistol for each man he had killed and the notches on his pistol numbered one and nineteen more (One and nineteen morrrrre!). The swiftness of the stranger is still talked about today.

    I like Arizona.

  12. Pingback: House of Eratosthenes

  13. OT but who cares anyway.

    Frank, you’re so into Twitter, and at first I’d think who cares. But there is a strong point in this. Twitter allows anyone with a wit to post 140 characters onto the WWW. I’d gather most are dim. But wits like you, etc., have a real vantage. Stupid people (libs) are at a total disadvantage because if you ever heard a lib speak, well, the numbers explain it. They just can’t shut up. Diarrhea of the mouth. Mmmmmm…tasty.

  14. If you are a fiscal liberal and social conservative then 20-30 million illegal immigration is the greatest boon to your group in a hundred years even greater then your champion in 8 Bush years. Huckabee is your near perfect choice for 2012.

    If you are a social liberal and fiscal conservative then illegal immigration is the nail in your coffin as a relevant political philosophy.

  15. Proud Infidel.
    Don’t blame the can. It is a superior beer container being almost entirely oxygen proof. You have been brainwashed by years of ginormous, lowest-common-denominator breweries putting their crap products into it and being told that their bottled crap is superior because it cost more. It’s not your fault. You are just a victim of advertising and the common misconception that if it cost more it is better. It cost more due to increase breakage, spoilage and as PT Barnum said “There’s a sucker born every minute”.

  16. Lion bacon.

    Think about it, boys and girls. What could be better? You could have a BLT with lion bacon. But then, you’d have to call that a LBLT, and that looks too much like GLBT, and we’d have to be against it.

    IHOP (not to be confused with IMAO) could offer a breakfast special with two eggs (any style), lion bacon, lion sausage, coffee, orange juice, and a short stack of buckwheat pancakes. That would be a breakfast of champions.

    Lion bacon. Coming to a supermarket near you. If you live in Arizona.

    We could trade recipes.

  17. “The novelty meat, being served Wednesday and Thursday nights only, has drawn e-mail protests from more than 150 people along with one bomb threat, Selogie says.”

    I’m sorry, but I don’t eat anything that can be referred to as “novelty meat”.

  18. Marco:
    Marty Robbins was a native son of Arizona, and the song you refer to, “Big Iron”, was about a lawman in the Arizona Rangers who tracked down the bandit Texas Red and shot him in an Old West style gunfight.

    We Zonies like our shootin’ irons.

  19. Now that we have seen that Arizona has an inordinate population of REAL MEN (with big ones) is it any wonder that they’d be the first ones up to eat some P—y. HaHa – gotta love those guys !

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