Keeping Obama entertained

The president is going on vacation.

Liberals must be glad to hear that. Destroying a country is hard work, and he needs to recharge.

I’m glad to hear it, because that means he won’t be actively destroying the country.

It’s nice when conservatives and liberals can come together to support the president when he does something.

But I’m thinking that 17 days isn’t enough time to let the country recover. Obama needs to go somewhere else when this upcoming vacation ends.

I’m thinking he could take a tour of all the golf courses in the country and leave regular folks alone.

Or, he could start a traveling basketball tour, like the Harlem Globetrotters.

Or, he could travel the country giving speaking tours. There are still people who want to hear him talk. But, to make it entertaining, don’t let him take his TelePrompTer. I might want to watch that. Or clips of it.

The point is, there are things Obama can do other than play president, since he does that so badly.

What ideas have you for what Obama can do for the next 413 days?


  1. I think he should go on a coming-of-age journey to find himself and have a life-changing epiphany that government is not the answer. Seriously, short of a big blip in the economy, that is the only way he will be re-elected. Most politicians can’t flip-flop like that, but incredibly, people still want to believe in him, he’s just so wrong, he makes it hard to do.

    Epiphany. That’s the ticket.

  2. Can you imagine being a member of the Secret Service and having to accompany that guy?

    “What’s he doing now?”
    “Riding his bike.”
    “Oh, god.”
    “Now what’s he doing?”
    “Eating ice cream.”
    “Seen that before.”
    “Now what?”
    “Well… He’s smokin’ something.”
    “Wait! He’s setting up his teleprompter. I think he’s gonna say something!”
    “Here, you take it. I’m going for lunch…”

  3. Shouldnt be too hard to convince him if he got a sex change he would be a shoe in for re-election. Moochelle might even start to find him attractive again. That should burn a couple of weeks on his schedule since he aint that far off now. Those jeans are a dead giveaway.

  4. Well, Cain leaving the race should provide the Monarch with some entertainment. Now he doesn’t have to be shredded in a debate with a successful private citizen with degrees in math/physics and computer science.

  5. @Went West Parts of that book can even confuse conservative politicians. Giving it to Obama might send him into brain overload and leave us stuck with Joe Bidden which would be even worse.

    So Obama says Congress isn’t allowed to leave until they work out a budget deal even if that means they have to work through Christmas, but its just fine for Obama to go to Hawaii budget deal or not? Someone please explain this for me its making my brain hurt.

  6. Hippie punchomatic 5000 – Admit that Joe Biden would be a lot more entertaining. He would be like a 24/7-version of “Velease Bvian”.
    “Quick! Ask him about the summer of recovery. And the permanent jobs!”

  7. He should go visit an environmentally sustainable bucket factory. Also, he should send me my free unicorn. I never asked for any mortgage payments or free gas for life from Obama, but that man promised me a free unicorn. It’s been nearly three years and I still haven’t seen it!

  8.   NOT ROMNEY!


  9. “It’s nice when conservatives and liberals can come together to support the president …” Or not. Obama has pretty much proven that he’s incapable of reaching across the aisle. There’s a fairly basic way to incent the parties to come together, which means of course that we probably won’t see it in our lifetimes …

  10. The racist right is flipping its shpadoinkle (this article was linked from Drudge) over the president’s forthcoming holiday vacation in Hawaii — you know, his home state. Right-wing talk radio is all over this, too.

    Fact: at this point in their first terms, both Reagan and Bush 43 spent many more days on vacation than President Obama. Double for Reagan and triple for Bush. As of August, 2011:

    So far, President Obama has taken 61 vacation days after 31 months in office. At this point in their presidencies, George W. Bush had spent 180 days at his ranch where his staff often joined him for meetings. And Ronald Reagan had taken 112 vacation days at his ranch.

    When Republicans destroy the economy it cost more to rehabilitate the economy. We’ve had 21 consecutive months of positive job growth. He is not a Socialist, but I wish he was then maybe we would have single payer health care. Republicans are the ones destroying America. It’s obvious the right would rather destroy America then see Obama or ideas they do not like succeed.

    Yet another round of fake outrage from america’s legion of hate mongers. Why don’t you guys simply admit what you are all about….YOU HATE BARACK OBAMA BECAUSE HE IS AFRICAN AMERICAN.

    Not surprisingly, the glaring disparity between how Bush and Reagan vacations are ignored while Obama vacations are a major trespass smacks of the old racist stereotype of African-Americans being lazy and shiftless.

  11. Questionman, if you are going to write satire you have to be funnier, otherwise people will think you are serious. Read FrankJ’s book for a good example. You sound like one of those callers who have taken the joke seriously.

  12. Reagan and Bush spent time away from Washington at their ranches.
    That is, they spent time at home (on property they owned, which they had bought with their own money).
    Has obie been back to that house in Chicago that Tony Resco bought for him even once in 31 months?
    What would he do there? Mow the lawn?

  13. 1) How about another World Apology Tour? That should keep him busy ( and us safe ) for some time. 2) As I see it, the only reason some nutjob hasn’t taken a shot at BHO can be summed up like so : VP Joe Biden. 3) When Messers Bush and Reagan went home to their ranches, they also worked there. 4) As far as BHO mowing the lawn, that might qualify as ” work ” . That’s an outrageously alien concept for him, or for that matter, most libs.

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