Barack Loves His Boxing

DamnCat left this in the comments (High Praise!) and I didn’t want anyone to miss it.

Apparently when it comes to international relations, Obama only has one stinking metaphor:

[YouTube direct link] (Viewer #7,870)

Afterwards, he figuratively walks the Danes out the Dalai Door by damning them with faint praise, so watch the whole thing.


  1. The comments on YouTube direct link are interesting… All negative.

    This needs to go viral. Send links to Obama-supporting relatives and friends.

    I can’t imagine any of the four remaining Republican candidates being THAT stupid on foreign relations while in office. Not even the “anti-war” candidate.

  2. This was a Top Draw find and exposure!
    Not a note of sincerity and his Narcissistic self comes through like the proverbial “T*** in a punch bowl”!

    I have many friends over most of Northern Europe and they got it along with their morning coffee today.
    Not to mention most of my address book for the US.

    Talk about your empty suit…Marcel Marceau had better banter than that!

  3. Hey did you guys know, (insert name of country here), is one of our closest allies?

    Frank: T-shirt idea: “(Insert name of counrty here), is one of our closest allies!” — Obama knows foreign policy!

  4. Wow, it’s a bit like 8 year old soccer. Everybody gets a trophy/”strongest ally” from the President. My kid likes that trophy for about 3 minutes. The trophy he likes to show off is the one that he got for winning a tournament. Kudos to the Danes for calling BS on the TOTUS and exposing him for being a thoughtless, arrogant, empty suit. I guess to a pampered weakling like Obama it seems that everyone punches above their weight.

  5. Pingback: Obama: Nation X punches above its weight, is one of the US’s strongest/closest/greatest/oldest allies | Twitchy

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  7. Pingback: Obama: Nation X punches above its weight, is one of the US’s strongest / closest / greatest / oldest allies | BuzzFrenzied

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