Nuke the News: And Then There Was One (Well, Three, But Two Don’t Count)

* So Santorum has dropped out of the race. It was already looking like he wasn’t going to win Pennsylvania, which would just be an embarrassment at this point. So the primary is now over. Well, it was earlier, but we can stop pretending any other outcome than Romney as the GOP nominee is possible.

Well, most of us will stop pretending. New Gingrich is asking for donations and pretending it’s a two man race, but I don’t think anyone takes him seriously anymore. And Ron Paul… well I haven’t seen anything from him in a while and don’t really care to.

So, the only thing to do is come to grips with that it will be Romney versus Obama for 2012. Successful business man versus useless government twit — it could be worse. And here’s the advantage: We don’t like or trust Romney. Liking and trusting politicians is what gets you into trouble, but we won’t fall for that trap with Romney. He’s just a tool to us. All politicians are tools. Big tools. Dangerous tools. Ones we have to be cautious using, and we already know to be very cautious about Romney.

* So on to VP speculation! As usual, I would suggest Mr. T. He has the conservative principle of not tolerating jibber jabber, but he also is a compassionate conservative in that he pities fools.

Of course, much of the speculation is about Marco Rubio. He’s from Florida — a battle ground state. He’s young and gets the base energized. And he’s Hispanic. But he’s also only been a Senator for only a couple years — not that being a Senator is ever great experience — if people still care about the experience thing.

Chris Christie is another possibility, but that would raise the cost of the campaign significantly for having to constantly feed him.

And I hear Rob Portman mentioned a lot, though I know nothing about him. He sounds boring.

And the GOP has three minority governors: Bobby Jindal, Nikki Haley, and Susana Martinez. Minorities are popular these days, and governors have the sort of experience where you could trust them as presidential replacements.

And then there’s also Paul Ryan, Mr. Budget. If we want to make this election about the most important economic issue facing our country, he’s the go to guy. And the Tea Party loves him.

My vote is still Mr. T.

Who do you want to be Mitt Romney’s running mate?

* So what’s Obama up to now? Probably something stupid since he’s stupid. Oh, he’s pushing for the Buffet Rule. Since it will only reduce the deficit by like 0.3% and targets only a few hundred individuals, there is no reason to spend so much time on this other than mindless class warfare. If Obama is asked why he’s wasting time on this and answers anything other than, “Class warfare; I’m trying to stir up, stupid, envious people.” then Obama is lying and you should point and shout at him, “LIAR!” and spit at him. As is the custom for handling liars. That I made just now.

* Wisdom of the Day from Bryan Donaldson:

Just had a very productive meeting. There were a lot of o’s on the handout and I managed to get them all colored in.


  1. “Successful business man versus useless government twit”

    More like the battle of the post turtles.

    Funny thing, usually we get a choice between a giant douche (the Democrat) and a crap sandwich (the Republican). This year is a rare treat where we’ll get to choose between two giant douches.

  2. VP Choice:
    I’d LOVE Chris Christie, but I don’t know that the national stage is the right place for him. He can be very alienating. I love that about him – if you can’t handle a little justified name-calling, don’t get into politics.

    I think Bobby Jindal is a good choice, he’s a minority, had a good fiscal conservative record, and is pretty well-liked, as far as I can tell. Sad to say, but I think conservatives may have to out nice the liberals in this election to make headway.

  3. Rubio’s not eligible. He doesn’t meet the supreme court’s definition of ‘natural born citizen’.

    [Considering how every keeps mentioning him as a VP pick and no one else seems to believe this, your point obviously requires no further explanation! -Ed.]

  4. He may as well have johnmccain as VP. the difference? The only romney is good for is that he is not the current occupant.

    Secede! Secede! Secede!

    We need to just start over. Kick the insane out and be done with them. Use the marxists for practice, send them to the moon. Build a bigger cannon a really giant catapult, or an enormous slingshot. Then nuke the moon, presto! world peace!

    Chuck Norris/Fred Thompson 2012!!

  5. For VP, the GOP will either nominate another piece of trollopy RINO meat like Romney or a conservative whose conservative values will be “distanced” by the leaders ala Palin in 2008.

    Obama is going to try to run against a strawman, as per usual. His strawman will be conservatism; that is, Obama’s characterization of conservatism as something it is not. We needed a candidate who could adequately articulate conservative values. Frankly, I think that’s the only way for a Republican to win a presidential election. Unfortunately, none of the candidates available can or could do such a thing. In the case of Romney, I doubt the man is even willing to truly try. He’s just a rich robot who can be programmed by political consultants. If he wins, the stinking consultants (who are almost straight out of Dilbert) will win too and we’ll be one step close to repeating this mistake.

    And yet I must vote for Romney because the alternative is too starkly awful. But we cannot remain silent on the flaws of this election season. We have to hope Obama will lose because we cannot trust Romney to win. We have to stop this crap from happening again. Ask any football coach in America if the best strategy for winning is to prepare for the game in a half-a$$ed way and then rely on the opposing team to turn the ball over ten times and play porous defense.

    Play to win, dang it, and remember that elections are won by being aggressive, confident, and conservative. You know, being American, for cripes sake!

  6. Im not the only one saying Rubio is not eligible. I wish he was, he would be my first choice, but I am a rule of law sort of guy.

    [This looks like it’s from the same people as the Obama birther movement. So I’m guessing it’s not he Supreme Court saying Rubio isn’t eligible as much “guys no one listens to on the internet”. -Ed.]

  7. Who do I want for the VP pick? Why not Romney? He’d be much better in the #2 spot than with top billing. That way we could run an actual conservative instead of a squish for president. The only problem, if the GOP won the presidency I’d be constantly worrying about the president’s health for fear Romney would succeed him.

  8. @jw – hmmm…Allen West…

    I like him – he could deliver FL (a must-win) – he brings military experience that Romney lacks (as does the entire Dem ticket). Great on the stump. Would wipe the floor with Biden if he dared to show up for a debate. Hard to see a downside. No, his short time in D.C. is not a downside – to me anyway. He would certainly help Romney solidify and energize the base. Not sure how simpatico he and Romney are but West could be a good choice

  9. Bush/Bush/Dole/Bush/Bush/McCain/Romney – a solid blur of Big Government/Big Spending liberal Republicans. I’m seriously hoping for a 3rd party option.

    If Romney wants to win me over then he needs to go with someone like Paul Ryan or Marco Rubio for VP (solid fiscal conservatives).

  10. YES! list:
    Ryan – Smartest man in every room he enters, likable too. Solid fiscal conservative. Wisconsin is a swing state.
    Rubio – Proud conservative fighter, sells conservatism doesn’t apologize for it. Minority demographic appeal. Amazing personal story. Florida is a critical swing state. Could use more experience though.

    Maybe list:
    Jindal – NO charisma, none.
    McChrystal – Love the idea
    Petraeus – Love this idea too
    Bolton – Intriguing
    Rice – Would be fun to watch Democrats freak out trying to explain how she’s actually a racist woman-hater.
    Daniels – Mr. Competent.
    Haley – Solid choice, could use more experience though
    Kasich – Ohio
    McDonnell – Virginia
    Martinez – New Mexico. Minority demographic appeal.

    No thanks list:
    West – Almost court martialed / foot in mouth disease / will be demonized for views on gays
    Christie – talks tough, but is still a liberal / foot in mouth disease as well
    Palin – Not taken seriously by voters
    RON PAUL! – A heartbeat away from the presidency? Scary thought.
    Santorum – Evangelical version of Romney
    Pawlenty – Romney, but with less personality
    Bachmann – Too divisive, drain on ticket
    Cain – Personal character issues
    Gingrich – Why add the baggage to the ticket when you don’t have to?
    Perry – Elmer Fudd caricature
    Huntsman – Obama, but with experience
    Johnson – Who?
    Boehner – Has failed us all.
    Walker – Too divisive.

  11. My favorite choice for VP is a toss-up between Ryan and Jindal. I would love to see Ryan on the ticket because it would force the conversation to be about the budget, which I think is a win for the GOP hands down. The math is strictly on our side, and the more people learn about the budget, the more clear it becomes that Obama is a complete failure.

    As much as I like Ryan though, it may be better to have him stay where he is as chairman of the budget committee. Jindal is a very good, conservative Republican governor who has now been elected to multiple terms. I like his experience and his conservative creds.

    I like Rubio a lot, but not as VP pick. He’s only served (less than) 2 years in the senate. Picking him as VP is basically what McCain did 4 years ago with Palin. (alternatively, it’s the same thing Obama did before deciding to run for pres himself.)

    Bottom line is I think Rubio needs more experience before sticking him on the ticket, and that goes double for Allen West, even though I really like both those guys.

  12. Does it matter?
    The republican base to too split and crying about how the “right” sort of guy is not on the ticket and it’s just “McCain or Dole or ‘insert name of uninspiring GOP figure here” so what’s the point” that I figure Obama’s chances are now better that 80%.
    Not because he can’t be beat or that Romney can’t do it but because the GOP/conservative/Republican voter base could f#$% up a steel bar with a rubber mallot.
    Sorry, but I see nothing but destruction, enslavement and death in America’s future because the majority Right is too effing stupid to stop crying about their petty disappointments to stop him.
    I’m sure that a huge portion of those who wanted Obama gone will insist on making some empty, futile and stupid gesture that will ensure Obama’s victory.

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