Obama, Gay Marriage, and the Gay DC Superhero

According to Newsweek, Obama’s the first gay President.

According to DC Comics, a well-known superhero is coming out of the closet.

Kinda makes you look at this picture a little differently, doesn’t it?:

Man of Steel, President of Kleenex.


  1. Mr. Right – Frankly I’m surprised I didn’t see it elsewhere first (although I’m sure I can’t be the first person to have thought of it).

    It’s a natural combination. I’m not surprised it was in your head, too.

  2. He’s playing on the idiom “roll up your sleeves and get to work.”

    Since his work doesn’t involve actual manual labor that could make his clothes dirty (the whole purpose of rolling up your sleeves), it’s just a bit of theatrics to make him more appealing to people who don’t have girl-soft hands.

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