Aquaman Releases New Hit Song

[High Praise! to 4of7]

[YouTube direct link] (Viewer #234,731)

It’s a love song about a girl.

Green Lantern is reportedly “a little disappointed.”

Wonder if it’ll be on the “Aquaman: The Wet Knight” soundtrack?


  1. A tip’o’the hat to Seanmahair, who led me to Aquaman’s Lament with the video she linked to in her comment earlier last week.
    #1 – tsluf273,
    I saw that one too, but picked the lament instead because of the subtle touches like Aquaman glaring literal daggers at the back of Batman’s head, the Titanic references, Aquaman using a fish as a weapon, and Batman rescuing Robin first over Vicki Vale, all kind of tied in with Aquaman’s long-standing patronage of IMAO.
    On a completely unrelated note, this video is funny too (lyrics are clean, but might not be safe for work.) The Captain’s Wife’s Lament:

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