Random Thoughts: Baby Insanity

The Bitter Clinger ‪#ObamaComicBookVillains‬

The Community Disorganizer ‪#ObamaComicBookVillains‬

Drudge ‪#ObamaComicBookVillains‬

The Job Seeker ‪#ObamaComicBookVillains‬

Strict Constructionist ‪#ObamaComicBookVillains‬

Self-Made Man ‪#ObamaComicBookVillains‬

Dr. Austerity ‪#ObamaComicBookVillains‬

The Married Couple ‪#ObamaComicBookVillains‬

If the President still needs them, I think they have some American classes at the Y.

Oh, poor New York and the problems they have with their multiple pro sports teams. Lucky I’m here in Boise, waiting for college football.

Romney worked for Bain and Gotham is being terrorized by Bane which sounds the same. Also, Obama was a very bad president the past 4 years.

I’m a leading expert on American-ness.

Know how Obama could really shake things up? By growing a massive ‘stache.

That would also make it really easy years later to identify footage of first term Obama from second term Obama.

Politicians shouldn’t have free speech. I’m not really sure why we let them talk at all.

Just because Obama doesn’t like this country and probably wasn’t born in it doesn’t mean Romney and his surrogates should be disrespectful.

If I had two homes I’d keep one clean for guests and live in the other.

If there’s a problem in Mitt’s tax returns, he needs to get them out now. If there’s nothing, he should draw this out as long as possible.

To increase interest in the Olympics this year, they’re adding the Hunger Games.

Bronze or silver won’t be much consolation in that event.

Know what would be a really cute place to work at? A baby insane asylum.

It’s a tricky thing to diagnose a baby as criminally insane, but I do it a lot.

If someone has a great sense of humor, he’ll be very discriminating and thus exclaim “That’s not funny!” a lot.

Pretty much everything in life is in 3D. 2D things are much more remarkable.


UPDATE: Linked by The View Through the Windshield


  1. That would also make it really easy years later to identify footage of first term Obama from second term Obama.

    How dare you speak such heresy!? How could you hate America so much to even contemplate such a hideous future? You should be ashamed of yourself.

    As punishment, you should write an In My World that looks in on Obama the day after he loses the election in a landslide.

  2. FrankJ:

    And now for something that is actually funny.


    Come on, FrankJ. Admit it. This is pretty good.

    And definitely better than anything you have ever written.

    Best Regards,

    Monkey Faced Liberal

    P.S. How does it feel to support a candidate for president who was CEO of a firm that invested in a company that disposed of aborted fetuses?

    I mean, I am a monkey faced liberal, so it does not really matter to me. But I would think as a so-called “pro-life” advocate, it would disturb you, and perhaps disqualify Romney as a candidate for you.

    But, perhaps like Romney, you principals are a bit fuzzy or just a bunch of hot air, and can be changed again and again, when you feel the situation calls for it.

    [That’s the longest URL I’ve ever seen! -Ed.]

  3. Randomness:

    So if it turns out the Universe is actually 2D, you’d be impressed.

    The powers that be are postponing everything they can until AFTER the election.

    ‘Sequestration’ is going to gut our armed forces.

    What happens when we reach the point that “the Constitution is worth defending but the people are not?”

  4. Really clever of DC to introduce Bane in 1993, knowing that 19 years later he’d be an election issue.

    Maybe this is a really clever way to trick liberals into the movie theater where they are then exposed to two hours of an evil guy inciting class warfare and Occupy Gotham protestors getting punched by Batman.

  5. “What happens when we reach the point that ‘the Constitution is worth defending but the people are not?'”

    Jimmy, That already happened, but we solved the problem. We simply took the people that weren’t worth defending and moved them to one of two idiot camps. The one on the west coast we named “California”, and the one on the east cost is called “Manhattan”.

  6. No ‘stache necessary. Michelle advocates healthy eating, so 2nd term Obama will be as easy to recognize as fat Elvis. Just like rich Democrats blame the rich for all our problems, their advice never applies to themselves.

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