Straight Line of the Day: What Will Become of the Laid Off IRS Workers?

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

What will become of the laid off IRS workers?


  1. IRS workers? Not to worry!
    The Dept. of Protein Reclamation, the Dept. of Protein Recovery and the Protein Banks will soon be hiring. And there will always jobs (for Liberals) at the Protein Redistribution facilities.

    And for the rest of us, our (re)usable flesh will be contributed to the Protein Bank, where it will recycled for purposes that serve His Divine Shadow thee Obama Lama.

  2. … They will be the subject of a new joke – what do you call thousands of laid off government workers? a good start.

    … as all government workers they’ll get pension payments and health care for life

    … they’d have to get real jobs

    … they’ll be the first ones audited by the government’s new audit drones

  3. “The Internal Revenue Service plans to require five to seven days of unpaid leave for many of its employees through September” — so basically they’ll just sit around and monitor the internet, making lists of those who make fun of them, for when they get back to their office.

  4. They will be able to walk in the sunlight again, attend church services with their families, recite the Lord’s Prayer forwards rather than backwards, and enjoy garlic with their meals.

  5. Spend their days drinking and sobbing out that you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy, except for before the lay offs when the scum and villainy were at all time highs.

  6. As has been a long held bragging point of IRS workers, when one is laid off he or she retains their place of popularity just below that of a genital wart, slightly ahead of Alec Baldwin.

  7. Get together to make a video for their new dance craze, The DC Shakedown.

    Put on hold their efforts to make Richard Gere’s gerbil pay back taxes on it’s free room and board, provided during the Bush years.

    They will use their free time to make the new “Tax Tax” tax even more incomprehensible to understand as well as adding to the penalties for having to pay penalties for not having to pay one or another tax.

  8. Idaho Department of Corrections is hiring. St Anthony’s work camp and Cottonwood (not exactly metropolitan areas) $13.24/hr … BEFORE taxes, fees, and retirement. But they’d best keep the resume quiet.

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