Unlike Obama, Dick Cheney Doesn’t Have a Single Confirmed Drone Kill of an American Citizen

Speaking to Senate Democrats, President Obama defended his drone policy by saying “this is not Dick Cheney we’re talking about here”.

So… you’ve nothing to fear as long as you’re not a lawyer?


  1. What could we possibly have to fear with the “most transparent administration” being given this kind of authority?
    It’s not like Obama would allow his administration to spend millions of tax payer dollars keeping any of the information from becoming public. Everything, except whatever he doesn’t want to agree and/or admit to, will be on the table and perfectly clear. Really.
    If/When Republicans regain control Democrats will simply spend many more tax payer dollars to rescind this power, because Republicans are sneaky and secretive and can’t be trusted. Republicans would probably sell drones to the Mexican drug cartels, which would allow everyone trafficking illegal drugs to increase their power over urban areas of America, keeping minorities in poverty…Racists!!

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