And the Winner Is… UPDATED With Concession Speech and Acceptance Speech

The winner of the Nuking Politics Straight Line Challenge is the author of List #1, which received 54% of the votes…


Congratulations, Keln. Bacon and bragging rights to you, sir.

Although it bears mentioning that Anonymiss had the best line of the whole bunch, so perhaps Keln shouldn’t get too comfortable…

UPDATE: Click here for Anonymiss’s very gracious concession speech.

UPDATE: Keln’s gracious-ish acceptance speech


  1. I thought list #1 was Keln’s (or, more to the point, I thought I recognized Anonymiss in list #2), but I went with it anyway. 😉

    It really was tough — both lists were solid, with a couple of stand-out lines each. I just thought Keln’s list was a little bit tighter and funnier as a list of 10.

  2. Well, I for one am offering Miss Anony her choice of consolation prizes straight from my kitchen:

    1) Mashed potatoes!
    2) Fresh-baked apple crisp!
    3) The year’s first strawberries from my garden. (I know, they’re early! Woo hoo!)

  3. Man, I can’t believe nobody had any love for my favorite one…obama replacing his picture with one of Jesus. I was laughing when I thought of it.

    Maybe it required a mental image of the Jesus portrait, but the placard still reading “Barack Obama”.

    Oh well. I won the contest at least. Harvey said I had to or women would take over and something about Billie Jean King and I think he made a veiled threat against my person.

    Not sure, I just skim through his emails anyway.

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