Straight Line of the Day: Obama’s Latest Dubious Claim About Benghazi…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

Obama’s latest dubious claim about Benghazi…


  1. It’s not a real place, It’s more of a composite situation, representative of several different Foreign Policy options. (All of which are the fault of his predecessor.)

    Turns out the embassy had a HUGE carbon footprint – it’s a boon to the environment that it was razed.

    The only people who dies were rich, white, christian men . . . who cares about them?

  2. Obama’s latest dubious claim about Benghazi…

    …is that it’s not even in Libya! Google it!

    …that it really was Colonel Mustard in the library with the candlestick.

    …Jay Carney made the whole thing up.

    …was a secret operation started during the Bush Administration… Bush 41.

    …never happened, prove me wrong.

    …was immediately seized upon by the independent press as the final, totally absolutely, last word of the whole truth.

  3. …hey, I can’t even handle a little oil spill…what did you expect?

    …remember when Joe said at some point I’d do something that appears to be totally stupid but you’d have to trust me and support me anyway? this is another one of those.

  4. Obama’s latest dubious claim about Benghazi…

    …it won’t raise the deficit.

    …Siskel and Ebert gave the movie treatment “two thumbs up”.

    …4 out of 5 doctor’s recommend it for lower back pain.

    …the movie responsible wasn’t “Mohammed” but “Gigli”.

    …is that the Arabs have confused it with Ben Gazzara.

    …was actual the revenge of the Amazonian Guaard.

  5. Obama’s latest dubious claim about Benghazi…

    …That happened during the last administration… no, wait.

    …We are the people we are waiting for.

    …See what happens with the sequester?

  6. Obama’s latest dubious claim about Benghazi…

    …those killers will be brought to justice! Or given Amnesty and access to healthcare we are still waiting on the focus group polling there.

  7. he doesn’t speak Benghanese, so he didn’t understand their cries for help.

    he never got the information because he was in the middle of a really rough par 3.

    if he hadn’t had inherited hillary from a previous administration. he may have had some control and been able to lesson the affects of another scandal on his occupancy.

  8. Obama’s latest dubious claim about Benghazi…

    “We dishonor them when we turn things like this into a political circus..” Giving the “Stand down” order and letting them die, now that’s Honorable.

  9. …is that only a racist, sexist homophobe would think he didn’t do all that was possible and all those racist, sexist homophobes will be audited on the instructions of a low level staffer in Cinicinnati.

  10. …is that it could have been avoided if they only had a double-barrel shotgun.

    …the closest drone in the area was John Carey.

    …it was a riot that was incited by a cute kitten video.

    …is that happened SOOOO long ago, it’s really just a myth.

  11. …guess I picked the wrong week to quit smoking

    …oh!!!! I thought they said “Ben’s Gaza”….and we all know how I feel about Netanyahu and Gaza.

    …man….I was sooooooo baked.

  12. “I ran out of gas. I, I had a flat tire. I didn’t have enough money for cab fare. My tux didn’t come back from the cleaners. An old friend came in from out of town. Someone stole my car. There was an earthquake! A terrible flood! Locusts! IT WASN’T MY FAULT, I SWEAR TO GOD!”

  13. Obama’s latest dubious claim about Benghazi…

    …is whatever the teleprompters tell him.

    …begins with, “I the immortal words of this country’s first white president, I cannot tell a lie.” Long pause….. “Hillary did it”.

  14. …blames Christianity: the Burning Bush lied so people died.

    …is that Stevens is still in charge there but he now is known as the ain’tbassador.

    …is that it was the result of a video of a camel being attacked by a white devil from America but was really just that old Hillary sex tape that her and Bill made.

  15. …sounds a lot less dubious after you smoke a couple of doobies.

    …is the opposite of the usual Democrat BS. This you have to find out what’s in it, then pass it and after that you swallow it.

  16. …he was too busy compiling an audit list for the IRS to have time to be involved in this.

    …he was too busy having sex with a fat intern to have anything to do with this…not too late for that…right?

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