Straight Line of the Day: A California School Is Holding a Toy Gun Buyback. You Should Also Turn In…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

A California school is holding a toy gun buyback. You should also turn in…


  1. … Aladin-style carpets (unless pilot licenses can be provided)

    … toy medical kits (unless IRS employee status can be confirmed)

    … rubber or latex gloves (unless IRS employee status can be confirmed)

  2. …all foodstuffs not currently approved by the State of California and/or your local Municipal Government, School Board and Gladys Kravitz, along with any and all tobacco products, even candy cigarettes and/or bubblegum cigars.

  3. For Corruption of Minors, school administrators that promote gambling in innocent young children by encouraging the children to turn in their cheap toys for a ‘chance’ on a bike.

  4. A California school is holding a toy gun buyback. You should also turn in…

    … Any shred of dignity you might have had.

    … Anyone who might disagree with you regarding guns because they are obviously dangerous and might spread their foul dirty wrong-think to others.

  5. …the person(s) who gave it to you

    …your parents tax returns for the last 10 years, just kidding, they already have them

    …A list of the TV and Internet news sites your parents prefer to watch

    …your Tony Hawk t-shirts and Levis in exchange for a black 2-piece school uniform complete with a snazzy red arm band!

    … a map of your house highlighting where Dad’s gun safe is, and noting when he’s at work

    …your computer, TV Phone, radio and any other source of “uncontrolled” information that is clouding your “education” in your friendly government school

  6. …-to the skid as you speed away from California.

    …your green card, you just passed the liberals citizenship test.

    …your GED exam because you just passed stupid.

    …your copy of Eats, Shoots and Leaves.

  7. A California school is holding a toy gun buyback. You should also turn in…

    …That Glock you got strapped to your leg for backup.

    …your monopoly money.

    …your imaginary friend Harvey.

    …that inflatable doll you have in the back of the closet. You know, the one named “Linda”.

    …your toy ammunition and toy large capacity magazines.

    …Buzz Lightyear and Woody.

    …all your 24oz cups, salt shakers, of Hell, just give them everything and see what they let you have back.

  8. A California school is holding a toy gun buyback. You should also turn in…the copies of “The Communist Manifesto” that California schools have been issuing to students since 1968.

  9. A California school is holding a toy gun buyback. You should also turn in…the hall pass pad you swiped off Mrs. Gardner’s desk when we were in 8th grade. That’s right I’m talking to you, Frank!

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