Straight Line of the Day: After Learning of the NSA’s Spying Program, China…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

After learning of the NSA’s spying program, China


  1. After learning of the NSA’s spying program, China…


    I know this pain
    Why do lock yourself up in these chains?
    No one can change your life except for you
    Don’t ever let anyone step all over you
    Just open your heart and your mind
    Is it really fair to feel this way inside?

    Oh, I thought you meant Chynna. My bad.

  2. After learning of the NSA’s spying program, China…

    …said “Hey, come here. Kill the frelling sledgeknots. And kill their mothers, too. An-and if you can kill ’em slowly, do it.” Oops, I thought you meant Chiana.

  3. After Learning of the NSA’s Spying Program, China…

    …ha ha, you mericans so kwazy!

    …started allowing only .75 children per family

    …Rick-Rolled Obama. To which Obama replied, “Ha Ha, Dang y’all got me again! (via teleprompter)”

  4. After Learning of the NSA’s Spying Program, China…shut the Hell up and DIDN’T DO A DAMN THING because PRESIDENT Obama is doing a BETTER JOB than BUSHITLER in KEEPING AMERICA SAFE!!!

  5. …was amused at the idea of storing data on citizens, they just store the citizens in China.

    …wondered if it worked better than listening to Lily Tomlin’s reports (She has been working undercover as a spy named Ernestine).

    …were able via people’s webcams to judge their lack of outrage.

    …felt better about not buying the extended warranty on Obama but had the return policy checked at Puppets-R-Us anyway. Next Democrat will definitely be rent to own.

  6. After learning of the NSA’s spying program, China…

    …raised it’s collective eyebrow in confusion and asked, “Didn’t you guys elect a President in 2008 that was against this shiat?”

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