Straight Line of the Day: It’s June 6th. How Should You Commemorate the Anniversary of D-Day?

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

It’s June 6th. How should you commemorate the anniversary of D-Day?

By the way, MY answer is “cruelly mock dictators“.

Also, you don’t actually have to be funny on this one. Serious thoughts of remembrance and honors to the participants are very welcome.


  1. It’s June 6th. How should you commemorate the anniversary of D-Day?

    …Remind Obama that “Community Organizing” does not qualify him for veteran status.

    …by reminding the French we got yer damn country back for you, now STFU!

    …by remembering that “Storming the beaches” in the Summer used to have much more deadly consequences.

    …by remembering the reason we can “afford” such idiots in the White House today is because brave men laid down their lives to create a world where such stupidity isn’t punished by death.

  2. By lighting a candle in my parish church and offering up prayers of gratitude and for the gentle repose of their noble souls…inclusive of the Bunkerhilldaddo who was AUS/USAAF (AVG), and by 6th June ’44 was detailed OSS. Like the majority of those BTDT types, while he lived, never told tale one of what he’d done.

  3. Its D-Day again?
    D for DISASTER!

    I remember D-Day by remembering that Austrian Economics in the 1930s paved the way for Hitlers rise to power. Libertarian economics took a ruined Germany and made it much worse thereby opening the door to the National Socialists.

  4. Admitting that storming Omaha Beach was a picnic compared to what us racist white crackers put Obama through on a daily basis and besides that beach looked awfully segregated in Saving Private Ryan.

    Giving the Democrats credit for making Hitler look like a piker when it comes to killing Americans.

  5. By thanking my grampa and any of you who were in WWII in any capacity or lived through it – be it with victory gardens, rationing, or whatever the whole country did its part. Hard to believe that the country that bred men with balls enough to invade a beach like that is the same one we have now.

    And also, I second Apostic’s point.

  6. ………with even more scandals about a government run amuck whose leaders think that average Americans ARE the problem. Apparently we even more than radical islamist and illegal criminal aliens need to be watched closely and threatened with audits. I wish this government would decide who’s side their on so the rest of us could make plans.

  7. By Remembering my Uncle who survived the bulge and my uncle who wasn’t so lucky on the Indianapolis

    And high praise to: walruskkkch

    by remembering the reason we can “afford” such idiots in the White House today is because brave men laid down their lives to create a world where such stupidity isn’t punished by death.

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