Straight Line of the Day: The Most Impressive Feature in NPR’s New 400,000 Square Foot HQ…

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The most impressive feature in NPR’s new 400,000 square foot HQ


  1. The most impressive feature in NPR’s new 400,000 square foot HQ…

    …Is the giant Memorial Mural dedicated to the people who made this possible, the taxpayers. It reads simply “SUCKAS!”

  2. The most impressive feature in NPR’s new 400,000 square foot HQ…

    the ubiquitous “Conservative Free Zone” signs.

    how all the computers and phones are directly linked to the DNC.

  3. The most impressive feature in NPR’s new 400,000 square foot HQ…

    the beds in all the rooms of the notoriously overworked staff.

    They were able to get The Count to go that high.

    the 399,999 square foot area dedicated to raising money for the Democrat Party.

    the goose down knelling pillows for when the pay homage to the Administration.

  4. … Garrison Keiler has a real prairie for his Home Companion, the Car Talk guys have a Quarter Mile oval track and the People’s Pharmacy is growing wacky weed on the North 40. So, All Things Considered… its a big freakin’ deal.

  5. @25 can of spam ok

    …the massive fund raising booth next to the giant pile of taxpayer money in the lobby under the giant Memorial Mural dedicated to the people that made this possible, the taxpayers. it reads simply “SUCKAS!” (h/t @14 walruskkkch)

  6. . . . is the sign over the entrance saying “Abandon all truth, ye who enter here!”

    . . . is the map of the United States that doesn’t include Texas, Alaska, Utah, . . .

    . . . is the Perpetual Fund-Raising Machine

  7. The most impressive feature in NPR’s new 400,000 square foot HQ…

    is how many of the border-jumping, law-disdaining, huddled masses thronging in from south of said border, yearning to be subsidized, this building could house but won’t.

  8. …all the groundskeepers and janitors are middle aged white men and the only tools they are allowed to use are hammers and sickles.

    …all one of the articles I have read about it don’t mention the 201 million dollar cost until the last sentence of an update at the end of the story.

    …the graffiti in the ladies room makes it money well spent, IMAO. (It says: Fiona Ritchie Was Here, And It Was Money Well Spent, signed Fiona Ritchie.)

    …it’s numerous doorways mean that if the building is foreclosed on, Michael Moore can buy it and finally have a new, clean pair of boxers.

    …the in-house chef. Nothing like literal conspicuous consumption to quicken our your own demise.

  9. …is the creepy dude with a cane, a top hat and big teeth that looks like he wants to molest you who takes you on a guided tour.

    …is the runway for algore’s private jet.

    …is the al jazeera internship posting in the front lobby.

  10. The most impressive feature in NPR’s new 400,000 square foot HQ…

    …the state of the art security features which prevent absolutely no conservative thoughs to enter the building.

  11. …the just completed statue and shrine dedicated to Clare Daly which was just now melted down and became part of a missile to arm a drone that is searching to destroy Clare Daly.

    …animatronic Nina Totenberg replaying the 30 seconds of her voice used to force John Roberts to switch vote on Obamacare, framed pardon for use of torture, copy of Obamacare exemption for NPR employees.

  12. The most impressive feature in NPR’s new 400,000 square foot HQ
    …it’s a “Hippie-Punching Free” zone.
    …is the Hall of Hypocracy
    …the complete lack of journalistic ethics

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