Straight Line of the Day: The Price of Gold Tumbled to a 3-Year Low. Also Rapidly Losing Value…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

The price of gold tumbled to a 3-year low. Also rapidly losing value…


  1. The price of gold tumbled to a 3-year low. Also rapidly losing value…

    …the Fifth Amendment. [Lois Lerner, come on down! You are the next witness on the NEW IRS scandal hearings]

  2. The price of gold tumbled to a 3-year low. Also rapidly losing value…

    All those Obama commemorative plates [ASOTV] even if you still have those certificates of authenticity.

  3. …those paranoia-ridden commercials urging everyone to buy gold.

    …the trillion dollar coin

    …the American vote

    …employee benefits

    …an honest day’s work

    …American exceptionalism

    …non-profit organization status

    …privacy policies

  4. …my carbon credit investment portfolio.

    …public school over lead paint chips as a career builder.

    …Nelson Mandela in round two going to the Pistons.

    …the under on PrezBo telling the truth about anything in eight years.

  5. …the paper that the gold is printed on.

    …talking Obama out of subsidies for a windmill powered high speed intercontinental railroad, because he has a patent for putting diapers on a caboose.

    …being the last of the Mohicans to not own a casino.

    …a rolling doughnut being the one thing your neighbors kid hasn’t hooked up with yet and posted online.

  6. Hey, folks:
    Meh; we have a troll.
    (Expect a lot more of these as their desperation grows.)
    In an older (June 19th) thread (so people wouldn’t immediately react to it, I guess) “Four Painfully Accurate Paragraphs About Barack Obama,”

    11. smrstrauss says:
    June 28th, 2013 at 5:52 pm
    The question was “Have you ever heard Obama speak lovingly of the U.S. or its people?”

    The answer is, of course, YES.

    Here is some of the text of the speech Obama delivered to the 1984 Democratic Convention:

    “Tonight, we gather to affirm the greatness of our nation, not because of the height of our skyscrapers, or the power of our military, or the size of our economy. Our pride is based on a very simple premise, summed up in a declaration made over two hundred years ago, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal. That they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights. That among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

    (A) That conservative rag, The Washington Post, claims this speech was given in 2004, not 1984. But I believe the troll’s research.

    (B) Obama proceeded to delete the words “by their Creator” on two separate occasions thereafter. That makes me suspicious.

    (C) He was lying when he said every word.

    (D) One questions the courage of conviction of someone who trolls week-old comments just to get their licks in and disappear forever.

    (E) No, two question it.

  7. The price of gold tumbled to a 3-year low. Also rapidly losing value…

    …is most everything except appropriate Songs.

    Cheap is small and not too steep
    But best of all cheap is cheap
    Circumstance has forced my hand
    To be a cut price person in a low budget land
    Times are hard but we’ll all survive
    I just got to learn to economize

    I’m on a low budget
    I’m on a low budget
    I’m not cheap, you understand
    I’m just a cut price person in a low budget land
    Excuse my shoes they don’t quite fit
    They’re a special offer and they hurt me a bit
    Even my trousers are giving me pain
    They were reduced in a sale so I shouldn’t complain
    They squeeze me so tight so I can’t take no more
    They’re size 28 but I take 34

    I’m on a low budget
    What did you say
    I’m on a low budget
    I thought you said that

    I’m on a low budget
    I’m a cut price person in a low budget land

    I’m shopping at Woolworth and low discount stores
    I’m dropping my standards so that I can buy more

    [Quality costs, but quality wastes,
    So I’m giving up all of my expensive tastes.
    Caviar and champagne are definite no’s,
    I’m acquiring a taste for brown ale and cod roes ]

    Low budget sure keeps me on my toes
    I count every penny and I watch where it goes
    We’re all on our uppers we’re all going skint
    I used to smoke cigars but now I suck polo mints

    I’m on a low budget
    What did you say
    Yea I’m on a low budget
    I thought you said that
    I’m on a low budget
    I’m a cut price person in a low budget land
    I’m on a low budget
    Low budget
    Low budget

    Art takes time, time is money
    Money’s scarce and that ain’t funny
    Millionaires are things of the past
    We’re in a low budget film where nothing can last
    Money’s rare there’s none to be found
    So don’t think I’m tight if I don’t buy a round

    I’m on a low budget
    What did you say
    Yes I’m on a low budget
    I thought you said that
    I’m on a low budget
    I’m a cut price person in a low budget land
    I’m on a low budget
    Say it again
    Low budget
    One more time
    Low budget

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