Straight Line of the Day: The Real Cause of the California Wildfires…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

The real cause of the California wildfires


  1. The real cause of the California wildfires…

    …the flames of passion between Michelle and Barack.

    …not enough government spending.

    …unregulated sales at Fire shows.

    …Burning Bush!

  2. The real cause of the California wildfires…

    …not enough bacon in the frying pan.

    …the friction created by the remaining CA Republicans.

    …the very concept of “fire” which must eradicated at all costs.

  3. ….burning ducks.

    Be kind to your web footed friends, cause a duck may put out your next fire,
    be kind to those bears with the feet, ’cause those burning ducks are hard to beat.

    (about a minute in to ‘Stars and Stripes Forever’)

  4. …heat from the friction generated by so many taxpayers leaving

    …Jerry Brown is setting fires in hopes of collecting insurance money and paying off the state’s debts

    …Jerry Brown is setting fires in hopes of getting more Federal money

    …too many flamers…or if you prefer….it’s what happens when you rub two sticks together

    …it’s part of their “see? Hell isn’t so bad” campaign

  5. The real cause of the California wildfires…

    …lack of a mandatory waiting period for the acquisition of fire.

    …I blame Mexico for letting us take California in the first place, Damn Mexicans.

  6. …Chris Matthews was wearing polyester pants and got a really bad (or good?) leg tingle…

    …The wrath of God correcting the mistake that is California

    …a chemistry teacher with cancer was cooking some meth when a couple hoodlum types showed up, one of which tossed a cigarette out the RV window. Heisenberg isn’t retired, he just moved to CA

    …the crying tree hugging hippies passed out and their campfire spread into the surrounding forest. Also, they discovered the meaning of irony

    …someone was grabbing rabbits, rubbing them against their pants really fast to build up a good charge and sticking them on trees, when one sparked….

    …is…I don’t know, but somehow it will result in a IRS audit of a conservative and 20 more pages in Obamacare

  7. … too many people burning Obama in effigy.

    … formerly working people trying to keep warm at night.

    … the sparks when Big Sis, Janet Reno and Moochelle Obama get together.

  8. The real cause of the California wildfires…

    …Mel Gibson’s flaming hot rage.

    …they set themselves on fire when they realized that we still have 3 1/2 more years of Obama.

  9. The real cause of the California wildfires…

    …global warming
    …Iran’s nuclear weapons program
    …God’s judgement on the blue state
    …a bum scratched his butt and started a grease fire. Next thing you know, it’s a conflagration and there goes the neighborhood.
    …not enough water
    …too many liberals
    …mother nature reclaiming what is rightfully hers

  10. The real cause of the California wildfires…

    …the last hamster powering the State’s economy died.

    …one toke over the line…

    …the “Big One” is running a little late.

    …one too many low riders.

  11. …the Red Chinese found the plans for Japanese balloon bombs and they’re sending them in droves….,with Black Cat Firecrackers, and two fortune cookies attached as a bonus…..
    …My Jiffy Pop overheated, and it’s apparent I don’t care one whit……….
    …Ahhnold Schvartzenegger found another scullery maid to rub-up-against, and we see the results…..
    …CallyFornians tried to find something that makes ‘all things equal’ and this was the result…..
    …The Black Panthers, Edition 3.0, were/was trying out their old-made-new slogan and it didn’t go well at all…
    (see :Burn-Baby…burn…)
    …this is Mexico’s plan to get Cally back. Who wants a burned -out, desolate plain…?
    …this is Justin Bieber kidding around, just being the D B he was born to be………..

  12. …thermodynamics demanded that the interface energy (gamma*) between southern California and reality had to be dissipated or southern California was going to plunge into its own dimension (viz., it would otherwise no longer wet the surface of reality and would be in its own bubble); kinetics demanded that the energy be dissipated now.

  13. . . . Democrats trying to distract people from California’s problems, because they (the Democrats) have super-majorities in both houses of the state legislature and therefore can’t blame Republicans

  14. …the preponderance of marijuana growers that want money in exchange for their crop. (Don’t Bogart that Alameda County, Dude)

    …well, their state motto is, “We want to be the Detroit of the West, on bigger”.

    …is the Army Corps of Engineers making one last attempt to thaw out Nancey Pelosi’s face.

    …would be Michael Moore, S’mores, and cheap Mexican labor.

    …is too few Harvey/Basil/Kelns telling that fire to “Get off my lawn”.

    …is simply that California is going to lose that bet it made in 1973 that it would outlive Keith Richards.

  15. The real cause of the California wildfires…

    …depends if they have to be spun by the MSM in either a Pro Democrat/Liberal direction or an Anti Republican/conservative manner.

  16. The real cause of the California wildfires…

    will, no doubt, be blamed by Carpenter on a cabal of satanic-Libertarians with astral-projecting anti-gay congregants of the Westboro Baptist Church who plotted to destroy, once and for all, the recording career of John Davidson by setting the remaining Capitol Records 8-Track and vynil stock alight in a field just outside of Pomona.

  17. Guys like me lighting their farts out in the open. Oh, yeah, sorry I set California on fire with my fart lighting antics. Of course, if you repeat that to anyone, I’ll deny it and sue you for defecation of character.

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