Straight Line of the Day: Scientists Have Discovered the Brain’s “Misery Molecule”, Which Affects Stress, Anxiety, and Depression. They Also Discovered…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

Scientists have discovered the brain’s “misery molecule” which affects stress, anxiety, and depression. They also discovered…


  1. Scientists have discovered the brain’s “misery molecule” which affects stress, anxiety, and depression. They also discovered…

    that having these makes Liberals happy.

    Hot chicks still don’t dig guys in White Lab coats.

    that the molecules are transferred during public policy meetings.

    can only be destroyed using new and improved Reaganitium.

  2. Scientists have discovered the brain’s “misery molecule” which affects stress, anxiety, and depression. They also discovered…

    that this will lead to many, many government grants to continue the research.

  3. Scientists have discovered the brain’s “misery molecule” which affects stress, anxiety, and depression. They also discovered…

    the “Mole” people were outside picketing the scientist’s bigoted use of the world “Mole”.

  4. Scientists have discovered the brain’s “misery molecule” which affects stress, anxiety, and depression. They also discovered…

    the Brain’s “Squirrel molecule” which affects one atte…LOOK SQUIRREL!

  5. Scientists have discovered the brain’s “misery molecule” which affects stress, anxiety, and depression. They also discovered…

    that the Grand Slam breakfast at Denny’s IS really a good deal.

  6. Scientists have discovered the brain’s “misery molecule” which affects stress, anxiety, and depression. They also discovered…

    the “Lucky Man Molecule” which was created by Emerson, Lake and Palmer.

    the “Nyuck, nyuck molecule” which turns everyone into either Moe, Larry or Curly.

    being a molecule discovering “Scientist” still won’t get you laid.

  7. Scientists have discovered the brain’s “misery molecule” which affects stress, anxiety, and depression. They also discovered…

    the brain is asking for 60% royalties on the film rights.

  8. Scientists have discovered the brain’s “misery molecule” which affects stress, anxiety, and depression. They also discovered…

    the “Conservative molecule” which affects relaxation, confidence and euphoria.

  9. Scientists have discovered the brain’s “misery molecule” which affects stress, anxiety, and depression. They also discovered…

    the “Hookers and Blow molecule” which affects…who cares as long as you got ’em!

  10. …the Hercule, which is why liberal women have those funny mustaches.

    …the exception that proved the rule, that the blithering, happy idiot Joe Biden has a one molecule brain.

  11. Scientists have discovered the brain’s “misery molecule” which affects stress, anxiety, and depression. They also discovered…

    with H/T @28 Women are the transmitting agent.

  12. Scientists have discovered the brain’s “misery molecule” which affects stress, anxiety, and depression. They also discovered…

    …the “liberal gene”, which allows one to arrive at conclusions completely unrelated to the facts.

  13. Scientists have discovered the brain’s “misery molecule” which affects stress, anxiety, and depression. They also discovered…

    the “miserly molecule” which hopes that this research didn’t come out it’s pocket.

  14. Scientists have discovered the brain’s “misery molecule” which affects stress, anxiety, and depression. They also discovered…
    that they must discover many more thingys to keep that sweet grant money flowing in -sweet, sweet grant money.

  15. Scientists have discovered the brain’s “misery molecule” which affects stress, anxiety, and depression. They also discovered…

    what’s so funny about Peace, Love and Understanding.

  16. Scientists have discovered the brain’s “misery molecule” which affects stress, anxiety, and depression. They also discovered…

    how to build an android out of them, they named him Marvin.

  17. Scientists have discovered the brain’s “misery molecule” which affects stress, anxiety, and depression. They also discovered…
    the Progressives patented the molecule decades ago, and have been adding it to our water supply under the code name “Fluoride”.

  18. Scientists have discovered the brain’s “misery molecule” which affects stress, anxiety, and depression. They also discovered…This molecule is usually demonstrated by mimes in their need to get out of the box obummer has placed them in.

  19. Scientists have discovered the brain’s “misery molecule” which affects stress, anxiety, and depression. They also discovered…

    the “mosey molecule” which makes people just kinda take things slow and easy.

  20. Scientists have discovered the brain’s “misery molecule” which affects stress, anxiety, and depression. They also discovered…

    the “Nosey molecule” which seems to infect the Obama administration disproportionately than the general public.

  21. Scientists have discovered the brain’s “misery molecule” which affects stress, anxiety, and depression. They also discovered…

    …that liberalism “causes” stress, anxiety and depression.

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