Straight Line of the Day: The World’s Largest Private Yacht Was Launched. You Can Tell It Wasn’t Government Funded Because…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

The world’s largest private yacht was launched. You can tell it wasn’t government funded because…


  1. The world’s largest private yacht was launched. You can tell it wasn’t government funded because…

    it doesn’t include wheels to make it “Land Accessible” under ADA.

  2. …the bill didn’t include surcharges to buy yachts for people who couldn’t afford their own, new truck tires for the boatbuilder’s friend, or funding for cowboy poetry

    …liberals were immediately incensed.

    …it didn’t sink

    …it didn’t come overstaffed with an overpaid union crew

    …Kerry got jealous

    …the customer got what he actually paid for

  3. The world’s largest private yacht was launched. You can tell it wasn’t government funded because…

    what does the government need a yacht for when you can prance around the world on an Aircraft Carrier like a real man for chrissakes!

  4. The world’s largest private yacht was launched. You can tell it wasn’t government funded because…

    no government would be soooo stupid as to build something that expensive that so few people could use. Oh, who I’m I kidding.

  5. … State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki did not tweet “Any report or tweet that he we have such a boat is completely inaccurate” — up until the minute that picutres of the yacht emerged.

  6. The world’s largest private yacht was launched. You can tell it wasn’t government funded because…

    it was not hailed as Benefit to all Mankind nor boondoggle of epic proportions.

  7. The world’s largest private yacht was launched. You can tell it wasn’t government funded because…

    …it didn’t have that bland, gray communist look to it.
    …it didn’t immediately sink upon launch.

  8. The world’s largest private yacht was launched. You can tell it wasn’t government funded because…

    It’s got it’s own theme song!

    Love, exciting and new
    Come aboard, were expecting you
    Love, life’s sweetest reward
    Let it flow, it floats back to you

    The Love Boat soon will be making another run
    The Love Boat promises something for everyone
    Set a course for adventure
    Your mind on a new romance

    Love wont hurt anymore
    Its an open smile on a friendly shore
    Yes love…
    Its love…

    The Love Boat soon will be making another run
    The Love Boat promises something for everyone
    Set a course for adventure
    Your mind on a new romance

    Love wont hurt anymore
    Its an open smile on a friendly shore
    Its love…
    Its love…
    Its love…
    Its the Love Boat
    Its the Love Boat

  9. The world’s largest private yacht was launched. You can tell it wasn’t government funded because…

    …it’s private. (it’s right there in the title)

    …no land was confiscated under emanate domain to build it

    …Obama hasn’t said, “If I had a yacht, it’d look like this”

  10. …there were no bawling, inconsolable Kennedy’s around when the bottle was smashed at the launching.

    …it wasn’t docked in piers Morgan.

    …Obama didn’t declare it was really a submarine right after it started to sink.

    …our govt. would have spent twice as much refurbishing an outdated rusted out hulk that had been mothballed for decades. And after fixing up Nancy Pelosi they would have wasted more money on the yacht.

    …there was no law passed mandating handicapped accessible planks.

    …Obama still prefers his cigarette boat and Michelle would rather barge in with her crew in tow.

  11. …………Al Gore didn’t claim to have invented it.

    …………Some group didn’t show up to protest it.

    …………The owners actually hired people (actual American Citizens) to work on it.

    ……….. There are no hidden “Man Caves” to be found.

    …………No one on board has uttered the word sequestration.

  12. #53 – Dohtimes,
    “…our govt. would have spent twice as much refurbishing an outdated rusted out hulk that had been mothballed for decades. And after fixing up Nancy Pelosi they would have wasted more money on the yacht.”

    Bacon for you, sir!

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