Straight Line of the Day: To Ease the Pain of Obamacare Implementation, President Obama…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

To ease the pain of Obamacare implementation, President Obama…


  1. …wrote and signed an executive order requiring that everyone buy pain killers

    …called everyone complaining racists.

    …is doing his best make it possible for foreign doctors to come the U.S.

    …is using the Prism program for early detection of signs that someone might not be feeling well and dropping them from health plans so that there’s more money left for free birth control

    …act surprised and claim that he just found out about it on the news

    …is imposing a tax on feeling pain

    …is having sound-proofing installed on all presidential transportation and residences

    …made some phone calls to make sure he can keep his doctor.

  2. …renaming the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) to the Affordable Safety System. This does two things, Obamacare will not exist therefore have not caused pain, and we’ll be left with only a pain in the ass.

  3. To ease the pain of Obamacare implementation, President Obama…

    Has included post natal abortions in the package.

    has ordered IRS auditors to wear Happy Face masks

    Pain? There is no pain. Isn’t that correct Citizen?

    is expanding amnesty to have enough non-americans to share your pain.

  4. To ease the pain of Obamacare implementation, President Obama…

    …turned it over the Shriners to run. They’re so much fun to watch on those little go-karts!
    …George Zimmerman111!!111
    …sent EVERYONE a little blue pill, not just Grandma.

  5. …ate a puppy, and now he feels juuuust fiiiine.
    …farmed out the assistance call center to India, then berated them for taking American jobs.
    …told Holder to sneak real American Viagra into that cheap Canadian crap, then bust the Canadians to lift the collective American resolve.
    …said publicly, “hey, at least I’m not letting the IRS run it…oh, wait.”

  6. To ease the pain of Obamacare implementation, President Obama…

    promises not to twist the knife after he slips it it.

    to have enough so everyone can “Put a little ice on it.”

    to hit everyone on the head with a hammer repeatedly. Then stop to help everyone gain some perspective.

  7. To ease the pain of Obamacare implementation, President Obama…

    is making the insurance too expensive and too complicated to sign up for. That way,
    it will look like people can have coverage – but none will ever have to actually
    be provided.

  8. …gave everybody an exemption except for Dalton.

    …decided Stand Your Ground laws meant you have to shoot yourself if you feel threatened by your healthcare options.

    …reworded the regulation so that you are signed up by a Jackbooted “Candystriper”.

    …rescinded the Turn Your Head And Scream Like A Girl Hernia Test requirement.

  9. To Ease the Pain of Obamacare Implementation, President Obama…
    ordered the CIA, NSA and any other sneaky 3 letter government agency to give every American a free colonoscopy, since it’s the last private place that hasn’t been probed by him.

  10. To Ease the Pain of Obamacare Implementation, President Obama…

    will give every American a nice lollipop!

    closed his windows so he wouldn’t have to hear the cries of anguish from the “masses”.

    decided he deserved an extra “Mulligan” on each nine.

    will visit each and everyone American and explain, “Hey, you f***ed up, you trusted us.”

  11. …declared that if he had a painful implementation it wouldn’t look anything like Obamacare.

    …hired a bunch of creepy assed crackers to follow you through the process step by step.

    …said “Hey that’s why we switched epidurals from childbirth to filling out this form”.

  12. To Ease the Pain of Obamacare Implementation, President Obama…

    recommends a Spoonful of Pablum. Herr Kapelmeister!

    In ev’ry job that must be done
    There is an element of fun
    You find the fun and snap!
    The job’s a game

    And ev’ry task you undertake
    Becomes a piece of cake
    A lark! A spree! It’s very clear to see that
    A Spoonful of pablum helps Obamacare go down
    Obamacare go down-wown
    Obamacare go down
    Some Presidential pablum helps Obamacare go down
    In a most delightful way

    The President feathering his nest
    Has very little time to rest
    While spreading his bits of lies so big
    Though quite intent in his pursuit
    He has the same sorry tune to toot
    He knows a song will move the job along – for

    SOme Presidential pablum helps Obamacare go down
    Obamacare go down-wown
    Obamacare go down
    Just some Presidential pablum helps Obamacare go down
    In a most delightful way


    The Hopey Changey stuff may move the private sector
    to coverage from the womb to the tomb
    but paying for it they’ll have to find the dough
    And they’ll take a little bite
    From ev’ry wallet in sight
    And hence (And hence),
    They hope (They hope)
    You’ll put up with the grope.

    Ah-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h ah!

    A Spoonful of Pablum helps Obamacaree go down
    Obamacare go down-wown
    Obamacare go down
    Just some Presidential pablum helps Obamacare go down
    In a most delightful way

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