Straight Line of the Day: A New Report Shows Antarctic Sea Ice at a Record High. Also at a Record High…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

A new report shows Antarctic sea ice at a record high. Also at a record high…


  1. …the number of reports disputing reports of high levels of artic ice

    …Al Gore’s hairline

    …the number of polar bears photo-shopped on surfboards wearing bathing suits and sunglasses

    …the number of people that ignore data to blindly follow junk science in order to feel good

    …the number of old soviet prisoners in Siberia, shouting out “hey, it’s still pretty damn cold here!”

    …the price of the drinks at the beach bar where Obama vacations. It’s really the only data he follows closely…

    …the number of children that wake up screaming after having a nightmare where Michele Obama is trying to stab them with a raw carrot

  2. A new report shows Antarctic sea ice at a record high. Also at a record high…

    stupidity concerning the environment.

    me. ’cause your love keeps lifting me higher. Higher, than I’ve ever been lifted before…

    the number of people who probably have the Antarctic confused with the Arctic.

  3. …also at a record high :

    ……All the secret service guys who wanted to go to The Vineyard, but weren’t photogenic enough. They’re all at local bars today, gettin’ loaded and makin’ asses of themselves.

    …..The American Pantsuit Appreciation Society, that is about to have a flood of applicants for new memberships.

    ……utter disgust, by any American who can think with more than a brain-stem.

    …Hillary’s Campaign PhotoShoppers, who are gonna’ be really, really busy for quite a while……makin’ money while it lasts……..

  4. …the number of old Global Cooling book manuscripts being dusted off and sent back to publishers.

    …Michelle’s boob belt, which is a last resort attempt to bolster Barack’s sagging poll numbers.

    …hot chocolate sales in Hades, which also needs Global Warming hysteria to prosper, and the income is needed to offset rising fuel costs.

    …the number of twists in Harry Reid’s panties.

  5. A new report shows Antarctic sea ice at a record high. Also at a record high…

    …the size of the London fatberg

    …Obama’s cholesterol level

    …Obama’s unpopularity

    …Michelle’s flights of fantasy

    …Michelle’s credit card bills

  6. A new report shows Antarctic sea ice at a record high. Also at a record high…

    tissue sales, for all the frelling Boo-hoo-hooing going on behind the scenes at AlGore’s small carbon footprint Mansion.

  7. A new report shows Antarctic sea ice at a record high. Also at a record high…

    all the whining going on at environmental groups HQ’s where they are crying like little girls who just lost their Justin Bieber tickets.

  8. Also at a record high: hysterical screechings from the AGW fear mongers that the Antarctic is losing ice at an alarming rate. Why, I’ll bet that the Antarctic, the Himalayas, the Andes, Greenland, and the arctic will all become ice free within 10 years, and NYC and Miami, and all the coastal cities will be covered with ocean, just like Gaia’s prophet, the Great Algore predicted.

  9. …the amount of steam coming out the ears of the Global WARM-ongers when they are confronted with Science!

    …the number of solar panels Solyndra will make this year if they make one.

  10. …the number of leftist elites asking for their drinks to be served with lots and lots of Antarctic Sea ice and could you make that a double and hey, would you like to adopt some sea ice and maybe raise it in Arizona?

    …environmentalists wondering if we should study the Antarctic with a giant magnifying glass from outer space.

    …the amount of CFC’s that are being stored by the CIA in the Antarctic for the new free range CFC’s and ozone hole habitat program.

    …the nose of Obama above the lowered oceans and the receding tides of despair, not to mention the stink of awkward, embarrassing truth.

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