Straight Line of the Day: The Wall Street Journal Reports That the NSA Can Spy on 75% of Internet Traffic. The Other 25%…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

The Wall Street Journal reports that the NSA can spy on 75% of internet traffic. The other 25%…


  1. The Wall Street Journal reports that the NSA can spy on 75% of internet traffic. The other 25%…

    are NSA emails detailing the spying being done on the other 75% of internet traffic.

  2. …fall into the Obama Spy On Everything From A to T Act cracks.

    …is proof that Grandad was right, you just can’t get good help anymore, lazy sods.

    …means that we can’t even find illegal Mexicans willing to spy on illegal Mexicans.

    …means that Rick Rolling suicides are down by 18%.

    …is due to computer access being hampered by “right wing gun nuts” stowing so much ammunition in their homes.

  3. The Wall Street Journal reports that the NSA can spy on 75% of internet traffic. The other 25%…

    is being held in reserve for when we find out where Obama’s other 7 states are located.

  4. … … well, it depends on what the definition of “spy” is, doesn’t it?

    … will be collateral Dem-age.

    … will voluntarily surrender their internet traffic to the NSA. That’s how far we’ve come.

    … is pictures of kittens.

  5. The Wall Street Journal reports that the NSA can spy on 75% of internet traffic. The other 25%…

    … is photos of Anthony Weiner’s wiener.

    … is photos of Anthony Weiner’s penis.

    … is photos of Anthony Weiner’s hot dog.

    … is Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden fan mail.

    … is Chelsea Manning fan mail from prison inmates.

  6. … doesn’t include pictures of cats with misspelled captions.

    … includes the 35 Republican plans for health care reform that Obama insists never existed.

    … Include Obama’s college transcripts.

  7. The Wall Street Journal reports that the NSA can spy on 75% of internet traffic. The other 25%…

    … are mainstream media reports praising Obama’s performance.

    … are conference calls between al Qaeda affiliates praising Obama’s foreign policies in the Middle East and Africa.

    … is Obama self-promotion and fund-raising.

    … is pro ObamaCare groveling.

    … is good old spam.

  8. …could possibly be explained by the plus or minus 18 trillion% figured into all Obama statistics.

    …are caused by union rules that make all government employees go outside and lean on a shovel for two hours each day.

    …pfffttttt. Have you seen how much time Harvey spends on the computer? That’s 8% of our budget right there.

    …is information lost by leaving laptops in DC cabs before it can be hacked by foreign entities.

    …is because all of our kids are too fat to type and just stare at the monitor and hope their cat walks on the keyboard. Cats don’t type in English, human.

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