Straight Line of the Day: If You Call the Obamacare Hotline Number…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

If you call the Obamacare hotline number…


  1. … it will refer you back to the website, which refers you to a different phone number, which refers you back tot he website, where you can download a form to fill out by hand, which will result (in 6-8 weeks) with a return mail that gives you an email address which is manned by a “bot” that basically just tells you to go **** yourself.

  2. … they’re going to want to know your name. If you give them your name, they will want your Social Security Number. If you give them your Social Security Number, they will want your address. If you given them your address, they will ask for your medical history. If you give them your medical history, they will ask for your income. When you give them your income, they will tell you you can afford the computer and therefore use the website. And when you use the website, it will tell you to call the Obamacare hotline.

    (With all due apologies to “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie”

  3. …you are thanked for your call, which is important to them, and put on hold while an attendant gets right to you, and while you’re on hold listening to “Glorious Leader Symphony” you’re asked if you’ve given any thought to supporting Democrats in the 2014 elections, since the Republicans will throw you off a cliff and beat your children to death with a tire iron, then asked to please hold because your call is so VERY VERY important to them, and have you tried the Web site (which can answer all your questions and get you signed up right now!), and while you hold here’s a little reminder that Democrats are the party of free stuff while Republicans are the party of eating baby spleens, and if you hold just a few more hours someone will be right with you….

  4. …to be charged $9.99 per minute for this consult please press 1, but expect a tax audit next year.
    …to be charged $19.99 per minute for this consult, and receive a free Obamaphone please press 2.
    …to be charged $39.00 per minute for this consult, and a signed picture of the Obamamessiah press 3.
    …to be charged a one time fee of $1599.00 for this consult, please stay on the line or hang up….

  5. …you just get a series of beeps and static…like someone mistakenly put a fax machine on that line.

    …you can hear someone yell in the background “hey! hang up, I’m trying to get on the internet!”

  6. …the first thing you hear is Joshua asking “Shall we play a game?”

    …you hear Joshua asking “A strange game. The only winning move is not to play. How about a nice game of chess?”

  7. . . . Thank you for calling the Obamacare exchanges. Please listen carefully as our menu options change frequently as we try to fix this damn thing.

    Press “1” if you think Obamacare is the best thing ever to happen to this country and want to try and enroll
    Press “2” if you think Boehner, Cruz, and the other Republican leaders are terrorists that we should send to jail
    Press “3” if you want to make a donation to the DNC
    Press “4” if you are not diabetic, want some of Anonymiss’ cookies and Michelle says that you ate all your veggies
    Press “0” to hear these options again

  8. …Donald Fagen will visit your house to deliver a hand written thank you from Obama and a reminder to not lose that number, because you will need it on every visit to your randomly chosen doctor.

    …the eighty people whose coverage you will be paying for will have your honorary photo affixed to their specimen cups.

    …you will be probationally non-racist until you are a member for life and never say anything derogatory about Obama or Obamacare. Your racist status returns if you are, or act too white or are determined to live very long.

    …and realize from experience that it is the same as the suicide hotline you will know why the death panel wants your first premium paid before you get to receive any benefits.

  9. …a talking lizard will raise your health insurance by 150% or more.

    …Janet Napolitano will talk sexy to you.

    …after 6 hours on hold, your call will be redirected to the Suicide Hotline as a courtesy.

  10. …instead of hold music they play Obama speaches.
    …if you utter anything negative about Obamacare, or Obama, the NSA will be at your door quicker than you can sign up for a plan but don’t worry since the health coverage in the secret NSA gulag is Obamacare approved.

  11. If You Call the Obamacare Hotline Number…

    …you’ll be asked if you want to have phone sex with Kathleen Sebelius — while you wait for a navigator.

    …you’ll be asked if you want to schedule an appointment to have phone sex with Lois Lerner, Hillary Clinton, Janet Napolitano, or Lisa Jackson.

    …you will be directed to undress, sit in front of your computer and turn on the video camera… for your pre-enrollment physical exam.

  12. …you get a crick in your neck.

    …you realize pretty quick that your cable provider is not really that bad

    …you’ll hear “Hail To The Chief”. Then a voice telling you, “Your call is important to us. Please continue to hold and your call will be answered by the next available agent. Your current estimated wait is 2 days, 17 hours and 35 minutes.” Followed by “Hail To The Chief”. etc etc

  13. …you will automatically be considered an Obama voter and have preconditioned brain death. No one has thought this out farther than that.

    …people will beg you to take their life, please.

    …listen up, DON”T DO METH!!!!!!!!!

  14. … the crank turns, causing a swinging boot to kick over a bucket, rolling the marble down the rickety stairs hitting the pole knocking a ball into the bathtub onto the seesaw flinging a diver into a tub dropping the cage over the mouse, and voila!!!! Health insurance!

  15. … You get an oddly specific recording: Now press option ‘1’ to sign over all of your private information to the government. Oh, very cute, you pressed the ‘0’ instead. You honestly think that there’s a way out of government control? Well fine, in seven hours you’ll be dead. First you’re going to slam the phone down, then you’ll turn and trip on the cord to your TV, your crash straight through your window and dangle by one leg, then passing kids will throw some rocks and then you’ll start to beg. Then your ankle will slip free and let you drop, but when you hit the pavement far below, you’ll probably stop. The emergency room with loose your papers, you’ll die in pain and alone, and the only way to avoid this fate is stay here on the phone…. Do we understand each other?

    … The automated system determines that you are not calling on your Obamaphone, please go out and beat the nearest Republican and take their phone to call back on, don’t worry, it’s not theft, it’s a tax.

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