Straight Line of the Day: A New Report Shows the Goverment Makes a New Regulation Every 2.5 Hours. And Every 1.5 Hours…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

A new report shows the government makes a new regulation every 2.5 hours. And every 1.5 hours…


  1. …the Federal government spends more money than most people make in a lifetime

    …Obama smokes a cigarette

    …an establishment Republican caves

    …Chris Christie sends out another bounty hunter to look for Han Solo

  2. . . . Paul Krugman pontificates
    . . . Michael Moore has a “snack”, with a caloric content sufficient to keep the average human alive for a week
    . . . Obama lies several times
    . . . lefties somewhere ban something enjoyable
    . . . Anthony Weiner sends an image of a body part
    . . . an MSNBC talking head says something offensive
    . . .

  3. …all government employees have to take a nap and and dream up 1.25 new regulations.

    …a cookie eater gets his zings.

    …10 laws are passed to enforce and tax the last bunch of regulations.

    …Obama remembers to ignore the ones he doesn’t like.

    …a union thug stops digging a shallow grave long enough to grab a politician and ask for more regulations.

    …Harry Reid curses the diaper changes that slow down the regulation proposals he needs made to punish conservative Americans.

    …enough of the previous ones fail badly enough in their purpose that liberals everywhere get promoted.

  4. A new report shows the government makes a new regulation every 2.5 hours. And every 1.5 hours…

    …The new regulations are ignored.

    …Obama passes out an exemption to the new regulations.

    …I check IMAO for new goodies

    …The White Album starts over

    …Nancy Pelosi gets a shot of Epinephrine

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