Straight Line of the Day: Today Is Anonymiss’s Birthday. What Should She Do to Celebrate?

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

Today is Anonymiss’s birthday. What should she do to celebrate?


  1. Anonymiss should do all the things that chicks enjoy: go “shopping” for hours but not buy anything, drive 5 mph under the speed limit in a lane other than the far-right-hand lane, nag, put toilet seats down, get in a line in a sandwich shop but have no idea what to order when it’s her turn, and spend more in one trip to the beauty parlor than I spend at the barber shop in a year.

    Yes, I am a bachelor. How did you guess?

  2. @5 There are zumba contests? How can you tell who wins?

    On that topic, I got to the gym to teach my class this morning, and my students had covered the floor with balloons, had a big happy birthday sign with crepe paper streamers and even made me brunch.

    So this morning, I Zumba-ed around balloons. Pretty celebratey 🙂

    @13 Oh Iowa Jim, I only need the “beauty parlor” to get my hair trimmed twice a year. I’m pretty sure your annual costs exceed mine 😛

  3. Anonymiss could do what she does best – judging and awarding cookies, by addressing the tragedy of October 22, 2013, when 58 brave punch lines were left unjudged on a date THAT WILL LIVE IN INFAMY…


  4. @21 James, unless your tastebuds are such that you equate walnut cookies with chicken a la king MRE (in which case you should probably see a neurologist), trust me when say that even pogue types like myself have eaten worse.

  5. …bake enough cookies for everyone!

    …trick Obama into promising, “If you like walnuts in your cookies, you can keep walnuts in your cookies.” We all know what that promise is good for.

  6. …after baking cookies she can challenge Jean Butler to a zumba vs Riverdance contest, getting some of her housework done by mopping the floor with the the cloppy footed Ms Butler.

    …stop being so dang nice for one day, makes us look like grumpy old neanderthals when we are really just cranky cro magnons.

    …give that come hither look to a cookie and curl up with a good book-movie-cd, or fond memories and warm milk.

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