Straight Line of the Day: Bing Has Revealed That the Top Internet Search Trend for 2013 Is…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

Bing has revealed that the top internet search trend for 2013 is…


  1. mice on cardboard parachutes

    U.S. Drops 2,000 Mice on Guam — By Parachute — To Kill Snakes | 12/3/13 | Douglas Ernst

    U.S. helicopters descended upon Guam on Sunday with cargo meant to kill, although this $8 million mission was unlike most others — 2,000 mice on cardboard parachutes were released into the forest surrounding Andersen Air Force Base as bait for brown tree snakes.

  2. Might as well finish it.

    Fighting rodents from the sky
    fearless mice who jump and die
    mice who mean just what they say
    the brave mice of the Green cheese Beret

    Tiny wings upon their chest
    these are mice, Americas best
    one hundred Mice will test today but
    only three win the Green Cheese Beret
    trained to live off natures land
    trained in combat hand to hand
    mice who fight by night and day
    courage take from the Green Cheese Beret

    Tiny wings upon their chest
    these are mice, Americas best
    one hundred mice will test today
    but only three win the Green Cheese Beret

    Back at home a young mole waits
    her Green Cheese Beret has his wake
    he has died to kill those snakes
    leaving her this last request
    put tiny wings on my bucks chest
    make him one of Americas best
    he’ll be a mouse they’ll test one day
    have him win the Green Cheese Beret

  3. …what are those planet sized things orbiting Hillary Clinton’s head?

    …when does Einstein’s Theory of Michelletivity predict her ass will begin to reverse the expanding of the universe?

    …is Obamacare being filmed on the same back lot as the moon landing was?

    …will bollock minding continue to be the only qualification allowed to being president of the US?

  4. Pingback: IMAO » Blog Archive » You’ve Been Judged!

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