Straight Line of the Day: The IRS Said It Plans to “Improve Customer Service” This Coming Tax Season by…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

The IRS said it plans to “improve customer service” this tax season by…


  1. The IRS said it plans to “improve customer service” this tax season by…

    putting smiley faces on it’s black hoods.

    crashing their hard drives pre-emptively.

    redefining “service” to include “torture”.

  2. … fewer lynchings, less torture, kinder and gentler harassing phone calls, nicer threatening letters, more polite wage garnishment notices.
    … making Gitmo an IRS Customer Service Center.
    … leaving fewer bodies around after “visits”.
    … training IRS agents in the fine art of not spitting while talking.
    … giving Anonymiss cookies to the first 500 who file early.

  3. . . . arranging to have your paychecks direct-deposited with the IRS. You may then apply to the government for a support payment in whatever amount the government considers to be “fair.”

  4. …estimating your tax contributions, then printing the money themselves.

    …promising Christians a tax free afterlife.

    …accepting wooden nickels if they are made from recycled Scott Walker protest sign poles.

    …exempting kidney stones from their portion of your total liability.

    …giving free April 15th massages to your rabbit.

    …letting you avoid those pesky death taxes with their pre-pay autopen for the over 50 crowd.

  5. …redefining ‘servicing the customer’ so that it no longer has a sexual connotation.

    …sending each taxpayer a scratch and sniff that smell like fresh baked sugar cookies that they can play with while on hold.

  6. The IRS said it plans to “improve customer service” this tax season by…

    …moving its call center to India.

    …replacing any refunds with Anonymiss’ cookies

    …modeling their call center after the Obamacare call center.

    …including free credit reports for people that enroll in IRS identity theft protection plan for 19.95 a month.

  7. … letting you hear some of that cowboy poetry you’re paying for.

    … playing something other than the Darth Vader theme on their website.

    … serving up your wages with a little garnish
    (I got the idea for that one from Steve H at #3)

  8. Back on the farm, when putting the bull in with the cow, the polite term was that the bull was “servicing” the cow. That is why it is called the Internal Revenue Service. They will now become better at it.

  9. The IRS said it plans to “improve customer service” this tax season by…

    … not answering the phone at all.

    … giving taxpayers until 12:30 am on April 16 to file their annual confessions.

    … adding “pretty please” to collection letters.

    … including a disk of the IRS Star Trek video with each refund.

    This is all Washington oxymoron BS-speak anyway. Customer service implies addition of value to the purchase of goods or services.

  10. … Not laughing until they hang up the phone.

    … Official documents will no longer include the word ‘suckers’.

    … More targeting of Republicans. Because the media has it on good authority that all Republicans are bullies, so stopping them must make people happy. Right?

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