Straight Line of the Day: The Most Awkward Moment During the Election Night Television Coverage…

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The most awkward moment during the election night television coverage…


  1. The most awkward moment during the election night television coverage…

    was when the MSM felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.

  2. The most awkward moment during the election night television coverage…

    was when Obama was asked if he had enough Ink in his veto pen.

    when the Press refused to admit it ever covered some person named “Obama”.

    when they ran out of tissues at MSNBC.

    when someone offered Kay Hagan some Anonymiss cookies on her victory, then snatched them away.

    Ditto for Landrieu
    Ditto for Pryor
    Ditto for Beghich
    Ditto for Ormand
    Ditto for Udall


  3. The most awkward moment during the election night television coverage…When Eric Holder told people who voted republican at the polling places he was “monitoring”, “You are a part of the Rebel Alliance and a traitor! [to Justice Department Agents] Take them away!”

  4. The most awkward moment during the election night television coverage…when Juan William held his hands over his ears and kept screaming, “It’s NOT a republican wave!” over and over again.

  5. Who watches TV on election night? Okay, I admit to watching Big Bang Theory.

    So some “Republicans” won, huh? I’ll believe the party that gave us “Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage” can make one wit of difference in this socialist country when I see it. In fact, I’ll believe it when they impeach Barack Obama in the House and try him in the Senate. That would be a good start.

  6. . . . occurred when Ed Schultz moon-walked while giving his commentary

    . . . involved Chris Hayes and a large tin of Sterno

    . . . took place when Chris Matthews tried to order a fifth of cheap Scotch from the local liquor store and discovered that his Visa card was maxed out

    . . . wasn’t nearly as awkward as the average minute of Keith Olbermann’s show (when he had one)

  7. The most awkward moment during the election night television coverage…

    The Houston Chronicle printing up a “Davis Wins!” special edition and starting to peddle it right after the polls closed.

    Debbie Was-A-Man Schultz frantically searching the trunks of cars in salvage yards for votes. Lots of them.

    In an interview on MSLSD, President Jarrett stated she was not a lame duck.

    Obama signing an EO banning voting in years not divisible by 4. Then expanding that to every year, calling the original a “typo.”

    Obama ordering his press lackeys not to use the term “climate change” to describe the tsunami.

  8. …Obama endorsing Reid as minority leader, saying that he looks more like his son than Trayvon does.

    …was Sandra Fluke going on a crime spree, robbing people of their birth control that she could horde until the next election, or at least until next Tuesday.

    …was Obama calling for a bier summit.

  9. … Was Glenn Beck licking Chris Matthew’s face. (But who can resist those sweet, sweet tears?)

    … Was the bake sale selling cookies made with ‘real liberal tears’ instead of sugar.

    … Was when Mark Uterus curled up in a fetal position because he was loosing. And when a helpful woman came by to rip him to pieces, he said that she didn’t have a right to do that to a human being.

    … Was when the Chicago machine realized they had mispunched their faked ballots, resulting in a Republican winning Illinois.

  10. …when Harry Reid mentioned how Lord Moloch was going to be displeased with him just moments before he burst into flames and was swallowed into a portal to Hades, live on camera, leaving Chris Matthews all alone trying to describe how the TEA Party are the evil ones.

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