
As part of its battle against climate change, India has developed the “heat-tolerant dwarf cow”.

It’s amazing. It takes in hay and puts out global warming studies.


  1. 2,500 people died in the recent Indian heat wave. It was the second-deadliest heat wave on record in India and fifth-deadliest in world history.

    And with climate change, India can expect more and worse heat waves in the future.

    But keep making jokes about climate change, and how some people are desperately resorting to extreme measures — even breeding new types of cows — to try to avoid some of the damage it causes.

    They are hilarious.

  2. 2,500 people died in the recent Indian heat wave

    2,996 people died in the recent Islamist attack on our country

    The death toll has continued to rise steadily every year since then. I trust you are as adamant about combating that scourge. .

  3. India Bioengineers Prius-toric Cow to Fight Global Warming

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  4. Pingback: India’s next weapon against climate change |

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