Do We Really Expect the French to Fend for Themselves?

The latest attack on Israel was at a university and seven were killed of which it looks like three (possibly four) were Americans. I wonder if this will prompt the administration to use less of a double standard with Israeli terrorism. But any terrorism against an ally, whether Americans were killed or not, is terrorism against us and should be met with our just vengeance. Maybe its easier to look the other way with Israel since they actually aren’t a bunch of nancy-boys and can fight back. But what if some sissy European country got attacked? They don’t remember how to fend for themselves anymore, which is why its up to us to set things right in the world. That’s also why we’ll always be the final target of any evil out there.

Incidentally, it looks like this bomb was planted, a terrorist finally realizing he didn’t have to die in the blast. Them bastards are finally getting smarter. Better wipe ’em out soon.

Equal Gun Laws

Kopel and Racansky has an interesting idea: make all gun control laws be applied equally to citizens and law enforcement. Gun-control dumbasses always have this whacko idea that an average citizen gets a gun he’s going to start shooting everyone, but they never apply that thinking to cops as if getting a badge makes one a magical creature beyond the failings of mortal man.

Back to the Beach

I’m sorry, but this is pretty funny in a morbid way. Fifty-five whales get beached Monday and there’s a heroic effort to save them, but, they all returned today, beached once more, and the verdict is, “Screw it.” There’s no helping some marine life.

He Still Around

Clinton is whinning in another attempt to try and save his “legacy.” He’s just like France; he can’t cope with how irrelevant he is.

Next They’ll Try to Destroy the Sun

Like any evil supervillian, China is working on controlling the weather.

Al Gore Should Try Inventing a Financial Calculator

Gore is arguing that the tax cut caused the economic sluggishness. How the hell would a tax cut slow an economy? Have the Democrats stopped operating in the realm of reality, or are they just banking on the fact that their base is dumb enough to buy that line.

He’d Get Lots of Press if He’d OD

Bill Clinton says stuff again, trying to be relevant and get attention. Can’t the current president have him quietly disappeared?

I Wonder if He Kicks Puppies Too

I just heard on the O’Reilly Factor that Fritz Hollings, the eternal junior senator from South Carolina, isn’t letting the widow of the captain of flight 175, which crashed into the south tower of the World Trade Center, testify about guns in the cockpit. Like I said before, Hollings is an ass.

If You Can’t Suck the Brains Out of a Child’s Skull, What Rights Will Women Have Left?

A bill banning partial-birth abortion has passed the house, and, since Bush is in the White House, looks like this one will become law once it gets past the Senate. Abortions lovers hate this issue coming up, because abortion always becomes harder to defend when you can actually see the child and not just dismiss him or her as a mass of tissue. And its fun to see abortion boosters squirm as they try to explain why a few inches separate a fetus from a child. Nah, they’ll still probably just shout the word “choice” over and over until you learn to stop trying to argue with them.

More Destructive than Communism

A 1.2 mile wide asteroid could strike earth in 2019, but I know there are still some hippies around that don’t want us to have any nukes. Well you can’t destroy an earth shattering mass of iron ore with flower power.

If They Close Down Taco Bell…

Fat people are suing fast food for being too yummy. Sometimes I think maybe these lawyers aren’t just taking these cases for the money, but maybe instead some Satan fueled desire to destroy all that’s good in the world. Could it be possible to make filing really frivolous lawsuits punishable by death? I’ll have to have some lawyers look at that one.

Did I Mention I Don’t Like the Chinese Government?

China claims they don’t have any forced abortions (or, as the feminists call it, “mandatory choice”). Of course, we know this is bull and cut funding to a U.N. group that might help China along in this crime against humanity. I’d go a step further and force abort their leadership.

Israel’s Missile Strike

I’m usually for bombing everyone, and I think that killing every member of Hamas would be a happy thing, but killing 14 to get one Hamas leader seem a more than a bit excessive no matter how important he is. Of course, the Palestinians make it as hard as they can to sympathize with, immediately calling for the killing of Israeli children (and I’ll bitch slap anyone who doesn’t see the difference between what Israel did and actually targeting children). I wonder, though, if the Palestinian defenders will ask us to stop being so critical and understand the Israelis’ rage.

China Thinks They Can Nuke Us

China is making missiles that can defeat missile defense, i.e., to hit America. When are these mo’fo’s going to catch the beat-down? The longer we play patty cake with them, the more powerful they’ll be when we finally are forced to confront them.

Shut Up About the Second Amendment or I’ll Shoot You

A New York Times article talks about people reacting to the Bush’s administration position that the 2nd Amendment refers to an individual right to bear arms. What’s wrong with these people? Everyone who’s not some whacky-ass intellectual always assumed that was the government’s position. I mean, how convoluted does your reasoning have to be to read the amendment and think its a collective right? There are no such thing as collective rights!