Do You Know What Kind of Powder is in George Washington’s Wig?

Most money has trace amounts of cocaine on it, according to Maybe money can make you happy.

What Rhymes with Literate?

The nations teachers should applaud Jesse Jackson for his calling President Bush “unliterate.” If they ever need to explain irony to their students, they’ll never find another example so succinct.

Old Man Toumai

A fossil skull, between, six and seven million years of age has been found with human and apes characteristics. Sounds a bit like the missing link to me. I know a lot of people don’t believe in evolution, but I just don’t buy it that God would make people suddenly appear out of nothing. That seems lazy. The digits of pi go on forever, which shows God tried really hard to make this universe fit together in a sensible way, so I don’t think He would skimp on giving people a backstory.

Sexy Position

I’m watching the model Kathy Ireland on Hannity and Colmes, and she just said, “There is one issue I’m very liberal on; I’m very liberal on protecting the rights of the unborn.” That turned me on more than if she came out wearing a bikini.

National Public Retards

NPR has apologized for saying a Christian group might be responsible for the anthrax attacks. I guess for the fantasy world these liberals live in to not implode on itself, they needed Christian terrorists to counter-balance the Islamic ones. Why does our tax dollars go for crap like this and PBS? If we’re going to have public broadcasting, it should show case stuff our government does do right, like live feed of terrorists getting shot. Then people might actually watch it, too.

Police Brutality

I’m sure you’ve heard by now about the alleged police brutality in Inglewood, CA. Now both sides have put out their stories, and I’m sure we’re not going to hear the end of this for a while. What I don’t understand is why it seems like every started freaking out about this before much details were. The “victim” is a teenager, for pete’s sake, and anyone who’s ever encounter a teenager knows that they all have done at least something deserving a whomping.

Pilots Should be Packing

The bill to arm pilots has just passed the house, which is good because all the arguments against arming pilots were idiotic. I mean, you have a situation where terrorists are trying to kill everybody and F-16’s are going to shoot the plane out of the sky and people are worried that the pilot might then put a tiny hole in the plane or graze a stewardess? Sen. Fritz Hollings, who’s an ass, is probably going to keep this from a vote in the Senate, though. If only the pilots had guns I bet he wouldn’t dis’ them like that.