The Greater Threat

Just because we’re fighting terrorists, don’t forget our old threat of Communism. China’s still moving towards invading Taiwan, and the furthering spread of a Commie state is more of a threat to us than the delusional wackos were dealing with now. Better start taking a tougher line with China if we want their Communism to end with a whimper like the Soviets instead of a bang.

And while were talking about Communism, why is Castro still alive?

Watch Your Neighbors

5000 people linked to Usama and Al Qaeda are thought to be in the U.S. Another reason for carrying a gun.

Commie Carps

Maryland has been invaded by Chinese super fish. They have voracious appetites and can live outside of water. One reason for carrying a gun.

Guns Make People Stupid

I was reading this article on people’s reaction to arming pilots, and it’s a good illustration of how some people turn into complete retards when guns are part of the issue. The first guy worries that, when terrorists are on the plane trying to kill everyone, that the pilot might miss. Oh no, can’t keep everyone from being killed because someone might get killed. Later in the article, a woman wonders what happens if the pilots are drinking. Does she feel safe flying with unarmed, drunk pilots? A pilot can already crash the plane and kill everyone, so giving him a gun doesn’t make him (or her, for you feminists out there) any more of a danger to the passengers. Just to the terrorists.