The Only Good Commie is a Resigned Commie

It may be trouble getting “President” Jiang to step down in China so his successor can take his place. Maybe, in a gesture of goodwill, the U.S. can assassinate Jiang to help move things along.

Is it Piloted by Aibo?

Robot planes! Probably work well for the Air Force until they inevitably turn on us and try to kill all humans. I assume they have good protection from hackers…

Keystone Spooks

I saw on FOX News that the FBI warned Pasadena, California of a possible terrorist attack on an oil refinery. Then, upon realizing there are no oil refineries in Pasadena, California, warned Pasadena, Texas. That’s all fine and good, but I wonder how long it took them to make that correction. I’ve only just driven through Pasadena, California once, and I could have told that there are absolutely no oil refineries there, unless one is hidden in a CalTech lab.

“Not to shatter your ego, but this isn’t the first time we’ve had a nuclear missle pointed at us.”

China has at least twenty nuclear missiles capable of reaching the states, and is working on building more. Now, since we’re the defenders of freedom, anyone who would point missiles at us is insanely evil, thus we really have to start moving towards a solution with China that involves the execution of all their leaders. If we attacked now, I bet their missiles couldn’t reach past California; something to think about.