Hackers of the World Unite

Hackers are using their powers for good instead of annoyingness by helping circumvent China’s internet censorship. I’d love to be an idealist, but I bet most people, instead of joining in on dissident websites, will be downloading porn.

Vive la revolution!

He Ain’t Dead Until We Kill Him

They say ole’ Usama is still around. I think that’s good, because ID’ing his corpse long after the fact just won’t be satisfying to Americans. We need him captured alive and then have a video tape of a live grenade being put in his mouth and the pin pulled. Sure, ACLU and France might complain, but we have plenty more grenades.

Communist Yahoos

Yahoo! has agreed to censor themselves according to wishes of the evil Chinese government. I’d criticize them, but I’m still hoping they’ll list my site.

Deroy Explains it All

Deroy Murdoch explains why all the arguments against arming pilots are idiotic. BTW, if your against arming pilots, you’re and idiot.