Did I Mention I Don’t Like the Chinese Government?

China claims they don’t have any forced abortions (or, as the feminists call it, “mandatory choice”). Of course, we know this is bull and cut funding to a U.N. group that might help China along in this crime against humanity. I’d go a step further and force abort their leadership.

Israel’s Missile Strike

I’m usually for bombing everyone, and I think that killing every member of Hamas would be a happy thing, but killing 14 to get one Hamas leader seem a more than a bit excessive no matter how important he is. Of course, the Palestinians make it as hard as they can to sympathize with, immediately calling for the killing of Israeli children (and I’ll bitch slap anyone who doesn’t see the difference between what Israel did and actually targeting children). I wonder, though, if the Palestinian defenders will ask us to stop being so critical and understand the Israelis’ rage.

China Thinks They Can Nuke Us

China is making missiles that can defeat missile defense, i.e., to hit America. When are these mo’fo’s going to catch the beat-down? The longer we play patty cake with them, the more powerful they’ll be when we finally are forced to confront them.

Shut Up About the Second Amendment or I’ll Shoot You

A New York Times article talks about people reacting to the Bush’s administration position that the 2nd Amendment refers to an individual right to bear arms. What’s wrong with these people? Everyone who’s not some whacky-ass intellectual always assumed that was the government’s position. I mean, how convoluted does your reasoning have to be to read the amendment and think its a collective right? There are no such thing as collective rights!