Et tu, McGruff?

Dave Kopel found a crossword puzzle that’s nothing but lies about guns. I remember when I was kid McGruff telling me to take a bite out of crime, but what takes a bigger bite than a .45?

Fire and Forget

I know I’m not the only one who is a little dissapointed in the progress of the war. The middle east is basically filled with enemies of humanity, but it seems like we’re caught trying to befriend some to get permission to bomb others. America should throw the rest of the world a curve ball just to mix things up. Let’s not make the next target Iraq, and instead just choose one of the other evil dictatorships around there and bomb some of their infastructure in a grand and bombastic display. Then, when they complain, the President should just deny it.

Evil Dictator: “You bombed my country!”
Bush: “No, our military was busy scouting around Afghanistan that day. Honest.”
Evil Dictator: “But the bombers all had American flags on them!”
Bush: “I don’t know what to tell you. Maybe it just looked like the American flag. Could be the Puerto Ricans; their flag looks like ours.”
Evil Dictator: “Puerto Rico is part of America!”
Bush: “Really? Hmm… I’ll have to take a look into that. Bye.”

Man, it would be so cool. Everyone would know we did it, but we’d look so crazy denying it that everyone would think we flipped. I bet a lot of countries would fall in line right after that, and Europe might be so spooked that even they wouldn’t whine. But, if they do, that could be the target of the next measures we take…

Some Things Even Cross the Line for a Democrat

It looks like Cynthia McKinney could lose the primary, which would restore some of my faith in humanity. She basically accused Bush of murder with admittedly having no evidence, which makes her a complete nut. But what does that make the people who elected her? Hopefully they are disgusted enough to giver her the boot.

There is also all that about the suspicious donations on September 11th, but I’m willing to give her a pass on that. She seems to dumb to be evil.