Just Trying to Piss Off God

Whackos, possibly encouraged by the mentally retarded Ninth Circuit, are now protesting the mention of God in the Boys & Girls Club code. With all due respect to other people’s beliefs and principles, people who don’t believe in God are a bunch of creepy weirdos. They should probably protest less and just be thankful God is so kind and benevolent, because, if I were God, I’d be smiting atheists left and right. I’d also try to rework things to see if I could get pi to equally exactly 3 – not that I’m being critical of how things turned out. I’m just saying that maybe that wasn’t His priority, but for a mere mortal that calculus can be pretty hard. If I could just get rid of one more symbol by making it a whole number, things would be a lot easier on the mathematics front.

Now what was I talking about…

Must Have Really Hated Himself

Abu Nidal, evil Palestinian terrorist, was found dead from multiple gunshot wounds in Baghdad, though, reportedly, it was a suicide. How fearsome a terrorist could he have been if he was that bad a shot?

Why Don’t They Just Wear “We’re Evil!” Signs

Just in case anyone wasn’t completely sure al Qaeda is evil, CNN now has videos of them killing puppies. The left-wing seems able to oppose military action against terrorists when men, women, and children are the target, but can they stand still while puppies die? Maybe now the lefties can see the difference between good guys and bad guys when they realize that puppies are cute, cuddly, have soft fur, and enjoy squeaky toys, while terrorists are ugly, violent, have much more wiry hair, and are neutral on the squeaky toy issue. IQ wise, though, they’re quite similar.