Think Positive Things About NASA

NASA has come out and assured everyone they can’t read minds. Why is it now, for the first time, I’m worried about NASA reading my mind. This reminds how I was never worried about layoffs at work until the boss started a meeting by saying, “I just want to assure you that no one is thinking of layoffs.”

Ding Dong, the Witch Isn’t Reelected

Cynthia McKinney lost the primary to… uh… well, to someone other than Cynthia Mckinney. I blame the Zionist Conspiracy and the Blogosphere for using their money and misinformation against her.

Anyone know how to make donations to those two groups?

Arming Pilots

Bruce Schneier has an argument against arming pilots in the latest issue of the Cyrpto-Gram Newsletter. Now, of course, I’m for arming pilots (hell, I’m for arming everyone… except for criminals, dumb children, and chimpanzees), but it’s nice to see a well thought out argument against arming pilots that isn’t laden with complete idiocy (e.g., one from Fritz Hollings). But I think all the issues Schneier points out, though important, can be overcome. Also, I think quickly implementing the “quintessentially American solution” is always better than endlessly carping about the problem and doing nothing (i.e., the quintessentially European solution).

Now I’m Going to Be All Self-Concious When Posting

Wow, I had more than three unique visitors today. Thanks to Geek With Guns for linking to my Brief History of the Gun and to Right Wing News for putting me as the site of the day.